Search Results for: Bev Wigney

Old Growth

‘Working on it A “public consultation” on Nova Scotia’s “Old-Growth Forest Policy” was announced 9 Nov 2021. It was limited to a ‘submit your comments’ process, with those due on Dec 8, 2021. From NRR: – News Release – Draft: … Continue reading

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Comments on the draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy: Nina Newington from tent in storm 7Dec2021

Received from Nina Newington in an e-mail dated 5.40 a.m. Dec 7, 2021 (bolding inserted): Done in haste from tent in storm but done… Old Growth Forest Policy Comment by Nina Newington Little time was allowed for comment on this … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen Science, Conservation, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, Ind Rev Post-Report, Indigenous Peoples, Mi'kmaq, New PC Government, Old Growth, Parks & Protected Areas, WestFor | Tagged | Comments Off on Comments on the draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy: Nina Newington from tent in storm 7Dec2021

The draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy is weak on conservation of old forest species 1Dec2021

Curiously, in the new policy document , conservation of old forest biodiversity is not explicitly cited in the text as a goal, while it is an explicit goal in the existing (2012) policy. In practice,  both  the 2012  policy and … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, Ecosystem Services, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, New PC Government | Comments Off on The draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy is weak on conservation of old forest species 1Dec2021

Is 60% retention L&F/NRR’s new Buffer Zone with Nova Scotia’s Protected Areas? 16Sep2021

Like many I know, I am pretty worn down by L&F/Big Forestry’s continued assault on our Crown lands and it’s a challenge with each new harvest announcement even to begin to ‘check them out’. (What was once DNR and then … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, New PC Government, Parks & Protected Areas | Comments Off on Is 60% retention L&F/NRR’s new Buffer Zone with Nova Scotia’s Protected Areas? 16Sep2021

On “over mature” forest stands in Nova Scotia 16July2021

An Oh-Oh statement by WestFor stimulates discussion of use of the term”over mature” to describe a forest stand. I thought even foresters didn’t use this term any more, especially following the Lahey Report. From that report (bolding inserted) 51. Analysis … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Social Values, WestFor | Comments Off on On “over mature” forest stands in Nova Scotia 16July2021

Nova Scotia election looming & concerns about wood supply from Crown lands, the Lahey Progress Report, promised consultations, carbon sequestration and “low value wood” 9July2021

A “Retired biologist concerned about province’s ecological forestry” was interviewed on CBC’s Information Morning today. Making it easier for trucks to get into the woods in Nova Scotia doesn’t sound like ecological forestry to David Patriquin. The retired biologist says … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on Nova Scotia election looming & concerns about wood supply from Crown lands, the Lahey Progress Report, promised consultations, carbon sequestration and “low value wood” 9July2021

Nova Scotia Forestry Maps issues directive on submitting comments on harvests 4Jun2021

& Annapolis County’s Crown lands continue to be heavily logged & L&F seems to have been blind to issues with internet connections in rural areas which can prevent comments being submitted via the Map Viewer Received today: Forestry Maps <> … Continue reading

Posted in L&F | Comments Off on Nova Scotia Forestry Maps issues directive on submitting comments on harvests 4Jun2021

Is Nova Scotia Lands & Forestry recycling proposed Crown land harvests that were previously rejected? 4May2021

UPDATE, May 13, 2021, from Bev Wigney: LETTER JUST RECEIVED REGARDING THE ROUND HILL RIVER FOREST PARCELS:: Annapolis County Parcels (#AP068726 and #AP099816) ——————- Dear Ms. Bev Wigney, Thank you for using the Harvest Plans Map Viewer to comment on … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, L&F, Social Media, Social Values | Comments Off on Is Nova Scotia Lands & Forestry recycling proposed Crown land harvests that were previously rejected? 4May2021

Highlighting: “Migrant Songs Of Spring” 5Apr2021

Migrant Songs Of Spring Article by Scott Leslie in the current issue (April/May 2021) of Saltscapes Magazine, available as a sample. He describes with photos and text the “beautiful vagabonds” singing their songs as they rejoice in another Atlantic Spring, … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation | Comments Off on Highlighting: “Migrant Songs Of Spring” 5Apr2021

Big Forestry versus the Nova Scotia Biodiversity Act, round II 16Mar2021

UPDATES: – Biodiversity Act passes at Province House, regulations still to come Michael Gorman · CBC News Apr 14, 2021. “…The changes Rankin announced to the bill came in the face of a highly co-ordinated lobby effort bankrolled by industry … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Rankin | Comments Off on Big Forestry versus the Nova Scotia Biodiversity Act, round II 16Mar2021