Category Archives: Biomass

Feedback sought on Wood Pellet Association of Canada’s Regional Risk Assessment for sourcing biomass from Nova Scotia’s harvestable forest land base 16Jun2024

Please, all stakeholders, register and review this RRA. A wide range of stakeholders is considered relevant. One of the ways I attempt to keep up with News related to forests and forestry in Nova Scotia is by subscribing to a … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Certification, Conservation, Tree Harvests, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Feedback sought on Wood Pellet Association of Canada’s Regional Risk Assessment for sourcing biomass from Nova Scotia’s harvestable forest land base 16Jun2024

BDO Zone Initiative issues an “A-rating” for Southwest Nova Scotia as a location to develop “Bioeconomy Projects” 4Feb2024

This latest “Bioeconomy” initiative would involve use of 550,000 green metric tons per year of sawmill residuals and by-product wood fibre from the forest sector. In the formal BDO Zone Report, cautions are expressed that are not amongst the highlights … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government, Pulp & Paper, Triad | Comments Off on BDO Zone Initiative issues an “A-rating” for Southwest Nova Scotia as a location to develop “Bioeconomy Projects” 4Feb2024

“New paper out on life cycle #GHG dynamics for different scenarios of forest-based bioenergy in Nova Scotia” 21Jan 2023

“New paper out on life cycle #GHG dynamics for different scenarios of forest-based bioenergy in Nova Scotia”. So reads an announcement on Twitter by James Steenberg, first author of the paper on Twitter. The tweet provides a link to : … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass | Comments Off on “New paper out on life cycle #GHG dynamics for different scenarios of forest-based bioenergy in Nova Scotia” 21Jan 2023

On potential climate benefits of the New Glasgow Nova Scotia District Heating Project 11Jun2022

Claims of climate benefits for any forest bioenergy project need to be backed up with  rigorous and transparent carbon accounting; there is some indication that the New Glasgow project, in contrast to other forest bioenergy projects in Nova Scotia, is … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Climate Change, Social Values | Comments Off on On potential climate benefits of the New Glasgow Nova Scotia District Heating Project 11Jun2022

Image of stashes of cut logs at disabled Brooklyn Power plant in Nova Scotia underscore need for proper accounting to back up green energy claims 1Mar2022

UPDATE Mar 3, 2022: I added Discussions (on WWNS). Folks associated with Freeman Lumber participated. UPDATE Mar 1, 2022: A closely related item/investigatory journalism: Dalhousie University’s decision to source “sustainable biomass” from J.D. Irving and Wagner a “piss-off” by Joan … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Show Us the Science, Social Values | Comments Off on Image of stashes of cut logs at disabled Brooklyn Power plant in Nova Scotia underscore need for proper accounting to back up green energy claims 1Mar2022

Nina Newington: Thoughts on Day 12 at the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor Encampment 13Dec2021

And a pictorial summary of these last 12 days Received from NN this a.m., also posted on XR-NS Facebook Page: (Photos are from from this current post and other posts on XR-NS): “Practicalities ruled in the early part of the … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Landscape Level Planning, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government, Social Media, Social Values, Variable Retention, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Nina Newington: Thoughts on Day 12 at the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor Encampment 13Dec2021

Nina Newington comments on the Nova Scotia Sustainable Development Goals Act 27July2021

“Nice words are not enough. Actions speak far louder, and if we listen to this government’s actions, it is hard not to suspect that this SDGA consultation is just more window dressing. We need proposed actions, we need a mechanism … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Climate Change, Conservation, Rankin | Comments Off on Nina Newington comments on the Nova Scotia Sustainable Development Goals Act 27July2021

One year after closure of the NP Mill, NSWOOA’s Kekacs asks “…why would we ever allow such a situation to develop again?” 8Jan2021

In response to a CBC piece titled Fear of looming economic blow remains 1 year after Northern Pulp closure (Emma Smith · CBC News, Jan 7, 2021), Andy Kekacs, Executive Director of the Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association asks … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on One year after closure of the NP Mill, NSWOOA’s Kekacs asks “…why would we ever allow such a situation to develop again?” 8Jan2021

Elmsdale Biochar initiative provides some good news on the forestry front, but we still need rigorous forest & forestry carbon accounting for Nova Scotia 28Dec2020

UPDATE DEC 30, 2020: Another good news item involving Mr. Wilbur appeared in the news yesterday: view NS Nature Trust Wild Blue Announcement ——- Kudos are due to oft-outspoken Robin Wilbur of Elmsdale Lumber for his seriously pursuing production of … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Climate Change, Economics, softwood lumber | Comments Off on Elmsdale Biochar initiative provides some good news on the forestry front, but we still need rigorous forest & forestry carbon accounting for Nova Scotia 28Dec2020

Plourde urges Premier to reset the agenda on nature for Nova Scotia 13Oct2020

Raymond Plourde says that we can move to 14% protected with a stroke of the Premier’s pen. Then it’s time to go further. A spate of recent local or locally relevant news  underscores a basic conflict that confronts many jurisdictions … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on Plourde urges Premier to reset the agenda on nature for Nova Scotia 13Oct2020