Search Results for: Bev Wigney

In the News Jan-May 2022

This page lists news items related to forests and forestry in NS beginning Jan 1, 2022. Sometime during the past year, I started putting all news items on this page –  instead of putting some items on other pages (e.g. … Continue reading

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BW Letter 10May2022

From post on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology May 10, 2022 Att: Honourable Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada, Steven Guilbeault Dear Minister Guilbeault I am writing to you with regard to the Migratory Birds Convention … Continue reading

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Press Reports

(This page is a subpage of History/Birds/2022 Bird Study) The Scientific Article Forest degradation drives widespread avian habitat and population declines by Matthew G. Betts et all, 2022 in Nature Ecology & Evolution. The full text is publicly available … Continue reading

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2022 Bird Study

Forest degradation drives widespread avian habitat and population declines by Matthew G. Betts et all, 2022 in Nature Ecology & Evolution. The full text is publicly available. Als0 view Press Reports Abstract In many regions of the world, forest management … Continue reading

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High profile scientific paper highlights effects of forest degradation in Canadian maritimes on bird habitat and population declines 29Apr2022

View: Forest degradation drives widespread avian habitat and population declines by Matthew G. Betts et all, 2022 in Nature Ecology & Evolution. The full text is publicly available. Also view 2022 Bird Study for highlights and Press Reports which include an interview with … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Wabanaki Forest, Wildlife | Comments Off on High profile scientific paper highlights effects of forest degradation in Canadian maritimes on bird habitat and population declines 29Apr2022

Is extensive clearcutting in Nova Scotia causing excessive flooding 16Mar2022?

UPDATE: Loggers want to move into home of critically endangered Atlantic Whitefish by Paul Withers · CBC News · Posted: Mar 17, 2022 —— Way back in late November, BC learned about what one-would-think-would-be-an-obvious-link-between-extensive-clearcutting-and-flooding the hard way. It seems equally … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Landscape Level Planning | Comments Off on Is extensive clearcutting in Nova Scotia causing excessive flooding 16Mar2022?

Daniel Baker

Beckoning Lake (May 21, 2022) Today the lake was shimmering, Like polished silver in the sun. The water always welcoming, Transforming us into one. The sounds of my paddle, Broke the silence of the day. I paused for a moment, … Continue reading

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On logging of Crown land parcel AP068499 Beals Meadow, Nova Scotia: 2. Highgrading at the Landscape Level 27Jan2022

“Logging the Best and Leaving the Rest” is occurring on the Crown lands all over the province including the area of AP068499 Beals Meadow. It is “Highgrading at the Landscape Level” CONTENTS – Background – What is “Highgrading”? – Highgrading … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Economics, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, Show Us the Science, Wabanaki Forest, WestFor, Wildlife | Comments Off on On logging of Crown land parcel AP068499 Beals Meadow, Nova Scotia: 2. Highgrading at the Landscape Level 27Jan2022

AP068499 Beals Meadow

Also view these subpages: – Nina Newington on TRR 1, TRR 2, TRR3 – What it was all about – NRR’s Line in the Sand – Maps – Soil Type – Nutrient Budgeting & This Series of Posts on Logging … Continue reading

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In the News 2021

This page lists news items related to forests and forestry in NS beginning Jan 1, 2021. View these pages for more recent items: In the News (current) In the News Jan-May 2022 View these subpages for older items: In the … Continue reading

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