Seymour Papers

Some of the papers by Bob Seymour in which the Triad system of forest management and Irregular Shelterwoods are discussed.

Perspectives: Thirty years of triad forestry, a critical clarification of theory and recommendations for implementation and testing
Austin Himes Matthew Betts, Christian Messier & RobertSeymour. 2022. Forest Ecology and Management
Volume 510, 15 April 2022. The full text is publicly available.

The term “triad” in forestry refers to a landscape management regime composed of three parts: (1) intensive plantation management, (2) ecological forest reserves, and (3) a matrix of forests managed for multiple uses following the principals of ecological forestry. In this paper we review the sociohistorical and academic context for triad forest management and related concepts. We argue that the triad has the potential to minimize trade-offs between meeting global demand for timber products and forest ecosystem services that are typically under-provisioned in forests intensively managed for timber production. The triad should include intensive monitoring of multiple ecosystem services outcomes from each of the three management types so that specific practices and allocation between intensive plantations, reserves and the matrix can be adapted to changing societal and ecological conditions. We describe guidelines for implementing the triad that may assist policy makers and forest managers in putting theory into practice and provide a real-world example of triad adoption from Nova Scotia, Canada. While the triad concept has many promising qualities, there are many challenges to its wider adoption; we summarize four significant challenges (multiple ownerships, saturation of high productivity plantations, reserves under global change, and shifting wood demand and production) and offer ways to potentially overcome come them. The triad is an auspicious landscape approach, but to date there is very little empirical evidence supporting triad over alternatives, thus experimental and observation studies are needed to compare the efficacy of the triad over other forest landscape management schemes.

The list below is from references in The Irregular Shelterwood System:Review, Classification, and Potential Application to ForestsAffected by Partial Disturbances P. Ramond et al., 2009. Journal of Forestry 107: 405–413.

– SEYMOUR, R.S. 1992. The red spruce-balsam fir forest of Maine: Evolution of silvicultural practice in response to stand development patterns and disturbances. P. 217­244 in The ecology and silviculture of mixed-species forests. A festschrift for David M. Smith., Kelty, M.J., B.C. Larson, and C.D. Oliver (eds.). Kluwer Publishers, Norwell, MA. 287 p. PDF available here.

– SEYMOUR, R.S. 1995. The Northeastern Region. P. 31­79 in Regional silviculture of the United States, 3rd Ed., J.W. Barrett (ed.). Wiley and Sons, New York. 643 p.

– SEYMOUR, R.S. 2005. Integrating disturbance parameters into conventional silvicultural systems: Experience from the Acadian forest of northeastern North America. P. 41­- 48 in Balancing ecosystem values: Innovative experiments for sustainable forestry, Peterson, C.E., and D.A. Maguire (eds.). US For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-635. 389 p.

– SEYMOUR, R.S., AND M.L. HUNTER JR. 1999. Principles of ecological forestry. P. 22­-61 in Maintaining biodiversity in forest ecosystems, Hunter, M.L. Jr. (ed.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 698 p. PDF available here

– SEYMOUR, R.S., AND L.S. KENEFIC. 1998. Balance and sustainability in multiaged stands: A northern conifer case study. J. For. 96:12­17. PDF available here

– SEYMOUR, R.S., A.S. WHITE, AND P.G. DEMAYNADIER. 2002. Natural disturbance regimes in northeastern North America: Evaluating silvicultural systems using natural scales and frequencies. For. Ecol. Manag. 155:357­ 367. PDF available here

Also view:
Tues June 30, 2020:
MCFC Webinars – Forestry Professional’s Series:
Irregular Shelterwood Silviculture in the Acadian Forest – Overview and Application to Nova Scotia with Bob Seymour

Jul 1, 2020, from MCFC: “Here is the archived video
Bob also has his own youtube channel where he has posted a three part webinar series on irregular shelterwood management”