Search Results for: Map Viewer

Individual Tree Selection the major prescription type in latest Nova Scotia Crown land harvest plan 15Jul2021

In the latest announcement, the percentage of the land area identified for Individual Tree Selection (All Age Management) jumped from generally 0% and consistently less than 10% to 55% Date Total Area Individual Tree Selection July 15, 2021** 605 ha … Continue reading

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All in the name of Ecological Forestry in Nova Scotia 17Jun2021

UPDATE: Comment on Stop Spraying & Clear-Cutting Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia) June 18, 2021: “Our wilderness is disappearing forever with our forestry practices. I am finding when visiting Crown blocks up for “harvest” that even the relatively harmless sounding shelterwood “treatments” … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning | Comments Off on All in the name of Ecological Forestry in Nova Scotia 17Jun2021

Is Nova Scotia Lands & Forestry recycling proposed Crown land harvests that were previously rejected? 4May2021

UPDATE, May 13, 2021, from Bev Wigney: LETTER JUST RECEIVED REGARDING THE ROUND HILL RIVER FOREST PARCELS:: Annapolis County Parcels (#AP068726 and #AP099816) ——————- Dear Ms. Bev Wigney, Thank you for using the Harvest Plans Map Viewer to comment on … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, L&F, Social Media, Social Values | Comments Off on Is Nova Scotia Lands & Forestry recycling proposed Crown land harvests that were previously rejected? 4May2021

Is High Production Forestry compatible with the Nova Scotia Premier’s commitment to carbon neutrality? 11Mar2021

Simply put, one cannot make the assumption that “implementing the Lahey recommendations” will help to mitigate climate change Candidate Rankin and now Premier Rankin continues to voice loudly his commitment to addressing climate change, in the Speech from the Throne … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Is High Production Forestry compatible with the Nova Scotia Premier’s commitment to carbon neutrality? 11Mar2021

Nina Newington Notes from Court #3 — ‘Irreparable Harm’ and the ‘Balance of Convenience’, February 25th, 2021

“What is the value of a standing forest?” asks Nina Newington. And, “What price a lost forest? And who pays that price? Whose forest was it, in the first place?” By Nina Newington Originally posted on Annapolis Royal & Area … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Social Media, Social Values, WestFor | Comments Off on Nina Newington Notes from Court #3 — ‘Irreparable Harm’ and the ‘Balance of Convenience’, February 25th, 2021

Nina Newington Notes from Court #2 — the Illusion of Consent, February 5th, 2021

Nina Newington’s post on Extinction rebellion Nova Scotia (Public Facebook Page) today: “Background: I spent the day in the Nova Scotia Supreme Court on January 26th, observing WestFor’s application to extend the temporary injunction they were granted in December against … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, Social Media, Social Values, WestFor, Wildlife | Comments Off on Nina Newington Notes from Court #2 — the Illusion of Consent, February 5th, 2021

Landscape-level “Log the best and leave the rest” on Nova Scotia’s Crown land forests 10Jan 2021

Examples from the two most recent Harvest Plan Notifications, one in Queens Co. in SW Nova Scotia and one in the area of the proposed Ingram River Wilderness Area (Halifax Co.)  illustrate how the practice of “log the best and … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, herbicides, Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F, Landscape Level Planning | Comments Off on Landscape-level “Log the best and leave the rest” on Nova Scotia’s Crown land forests 10Jan 2021

12 Days of Action

On Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology (Public Facebook Group) Twelve Days of Action Initial Post (26Dec2020) Twelve Days of Action Day 2 Twelve Days of Action Day 3 Twelve Days of Action Day 4 Twelve Days of … Continue reading

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Irregular Shelterwood harvests still largely experimental on Crown lands 2+ years post Lahey Report 26Nov2020

UPDATE Nov 30, 2020: In spite of the very limited practice of Irregular Shelterwood silviculture on Crown lands to date, Iain Rankin says “the new Forest Management Guide will result in the most substantive stand level changes in the matrix forest, … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, HPMV, Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F | Comments Off on Irregular Shelterwood harvests still largely experimental on Crown lands 2+ years post Lahey Report 26Nov2020

Clearcutting in Nova Scotia continued…intensive cutting, a new definition of a clearcut, and questions about loggers from out of province and wood going to NB 18Oct2020

Questions begging for answers UPDATE Oct 22, 2020 “Extinction Rebellion Forest Protectors are camped out NOW, and are committed to stopping this clear cut.” Posted on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology late yesterday Oct 23: Protesters block … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Social Media | Comments Off on Clearcutting in Nova Scotia continued…intensive cutting, a new definition of a clearcut, and questions about loggers from out of province and wood going to NB 18Oct2020