Category Archives: New PC Government

Big Forestry and Big Development versus Precious Natural Places in rural and urban Nova Scotia 15Apr2022

The Good News: Nova Scotians care about these places, regardless of the governing party A deluge of pleas to write letters/join campaigns recently makes it clear that  the pressure to obtain direct economic benefit at the expense of some our most … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Conservation, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government | Comments Off on Big Forestry and Big Development versus Precious Natural Places in rural and urban Nova Scotia 15Apr2022

Getting to know AP068499 Beals Meadow (in Nova Scotia) remotely: verse and maps 21Feb2022

Today is Day 82 at the Last Hope for Wildlife Encampment on the Crown land block AP068499 Beals Meadow in Annapolis Co. So far, the neighbours haven’t complained! There’s much that the more timid or less-able-to-travel  of us can learn … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government, Social Media, Social Values, Variable Retention, WestFor | Comments Off on Getting to know AP068499 Beals Meadow (in Nova Scotia) remotely: verse and maps 21Feb2022

New senior level hires at Nova Scotia NRR continue, now Executive Director of Forestry and Wildlife 13 Feb2022

In the past week, there have been ads posted for 3 upper level positions at NRR, so far no reference to Ecological Forestry vis a vis key Lahey recommendation. Now a 4th, focussed directly on forestry and wildlife – and … Continue reading

Posted in Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government | Comments Off on New senior level hires at Nova Scotia NRR continue, now Executive Director of Forestry and Wildlife 13 Feb2022

Nova Scotia NRR looking for another senior level strategist 8Feb2022

Recently, there have been ads posted for 4 upper level strategists at NRR, (plus an Executive Director of Forestry and Wildlife),  so far no reference to Ecological Forestry vis a vis key Lahey recommendation UPDATE Feb 21, 2022: And another, … Continue reading

Posted in Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government | Comments Off on Nova Scotia NRR looking for another senior level strategist 8Feb2022

A second Line in the Sand of Crown land forests in Annapolis Co. 20 Jan2022

Early on, in fact on Day 2 of the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor Encampment /Protest, a senior bureaucrat at Nova Scotia Natural Resources and Renewables stated clearly they were not about to change direction in regard to Crown land block … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on A second Line in the Sand of Crown land forests in Annapolis Co. 20 Jan2022

PC Government moving ahead with protection of Owl’s Head and protection of 20% of Nova Scotia by 2030 18Jan2022

Good News worth noting  In an article on today, reporter Francis Campbell cited the  Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables Tory Rushton’s comments on Owls Head* ________ *Owl’s Head is a 285-hectare area of Crown land on the Eastern … Continue reading

Posted in New PC Government, Parks & Protected Areas | Comments Off on PC Government moving ahead with protection of Owl’s Head and protection of 20% of Nova Scotia by 2030 18Jan2022

From the Netherlands Re: Harvest Plan AP068499: Beal’s Brook, Nova Scotia 6Jan2022

I saw this letter from Sandy Martin, a Nova Scotian currently living in the Netherlands, posted on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology (Public Group Facebook Page) and messaged Sandy to ask if I could post it, also … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, Citizen Science, Climate Change, Conservation, New PC Government, Social Values, Wabanaki Forest, WestFor | Comments Off on From the Netherlands Re: Harvest Plan AP068499: Beal’s Brook, Nova Scotia 6Jan2022

It is Christmas Eve and bitterly cold at the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor encampment 24Dec2021

Thank you, Extinction Rebellion Mi’kma’ki / Nova Scotia and all of the folks at the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor Encampment and helping to maintain it for giving many of us in Mi’kma’ki hope on this Christmas Eve that we can … Continue reading

Posted in New PC Government, Social Values, Wabanaki Forest, Wildlife | Comments Off on It is Christmas Eve and bitterly cold at the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor encampment 24Dec2021

Nova Scotia NRR advertising for “Director Organizational Strategy & Renewal” 22Dec2021

I missed this one, the deadline for which is 12/27/2021. I have been on the lookout for something related to Prof. Laheys recomommendations, released publicly on Nov 30, 2021, vis a vis implementation of ecological forestry, in particular this: The … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government | Comments Off on Nova Scotia NRR advertising for “Director Organizational Strategy & Renewal” 22Dec2021

Nina Newington: Thoughts on Day 12 at the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor Encampment 13Dec2021

And a pictorial summary of these last 12 days Received from NN this a.m., also posted on XR-NS Facebook Page: (Photos are from from this current post and other posts on XR-NS): “Practicalities ruled in the early part of the … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Landscape Level Planning, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government, Social Media, Social Values, Variable Retention, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Nina Newington: Thoughts on Day 12 at the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor Encampment 13Dec2021