Search Results for: Annapolis

Nina Newington to Law Amendments Committee on Bill 57: The climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis are intertwined 1Nov2021

Update, Nov 3, 2021 – Presenter says government needs ‘courage to lead’ on environmental bill Michael Gorman · CBC News Nov 2, 2021 “While the Tory environment bill was lauded by most, all agreed it must go further” – N.S. … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Conservation, New PC Government, Parks & Protected Areas, Social Values | Comments Off on Nina Newington to Law Amendments Committee on Bill 57: The climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis are intertwined 1Nov2021

Extinction Rebellion Mi’kma’ki/Nova Scotia: Sites Don’t Spray Us campers have been protecting since September 13th will NOT be sprayed 10Oct2021

Something to celebrate this thanksgiving day. Announcement by Extinction Rebellion Mi’kma’ki / Nova Scotia on their Facebook page, Fri Oct 8, 2021 (photos from the FB page): “Good News! Today we learned that the sites Don’t Spray Us campers have … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Social Values, spraying | Comments Off on Extinction Rebellion Mi’kma’ki/Nova Scotia: Sites Don’t Spray Us campers have been protecting since September 13th will NOT be sprayed 10Oct2021

WestFor stokes fears over proposed protection of the Ingram River Conservation Area 10Sep2021

I think it is not a stretch to describe some of what WestFor writes about our Protected Areas  in its August 2021 newsletter under “A message from Breck” as outright disinformation. UPDATE Sep 23, 2021: Response to concerns raised by … Continue reading

Posted in Parks & Protected Areas | Comments Off on WestFor stokes fears over proposed protection of the Ingram River Conservation Area 10Sep2021

Please, Prof. Lahey: issue your report on L&F’s progress in implementing your recommendations for Nova Scotia’s forests and forestry 2Sep 2021

There were likely downsides to the Liberals if Prof. Lahey’s “Progress Report” was  published just before the recent provincial election – it’s hard to see how Prof. Lahey could not be highly critical of progress under the Liberal Government in … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, New PC Government | Comments Off on Please, Prof. Lahey: issue your report on L&F’s progress in implementing your recommendations for Nova Scotia’s forests and forestry 2Sep 2021

Finally, some numbers on the cost of High Production Forestry in Nova Scotia 1Aug2021

It seems that over a full rotation, the costs of HPF approach or exceed the profits; Greg Watson asks “who’s going to pay for it, and if it’s the taxpayer, are they willing to foot the bill? “ An article … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on Finally, some numbers on the cost of High Production Forestry in Nova Scotia 1Aug2021

Individual Tree Selection the major prescription type in latest Nova Scotia Crown land harvest plan 15Jul2021

In the latest announcement, the percentage of the land area identified for Individual Tree Selection (All Age Management) jumped from generally 0% and consistently less than 10% to 55% Date Total Area Individual Tree Selection July 15, 2021** 605 ha … Continue reading

Posted in L&F, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on Individual Tree Selection the major prescription type in latest Nova Scotia Crown land harvest plan 15Jul2021


Weed Survey of Nova Scotia Lowbush Blueberry (Vaccinium Angustifolium Ait.) Fields Hugh Lyu et al., 2021. Publication Cover International Journal of Fruit Science Weed surveys provide the basis for weed management research in lowbush blueberry, but have not been conducted … Continue reading

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All in the name of Ecological Forestry in Nova Scotia 17Jun2021

UPDATE: Comment on Stop Spraying & Clear-Cutting Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia) June 18, 2021: “Our wilderness is disappearing forever with our forestry practices. I am finding when visiting Crown blocks up for “harvest” that even the relatively harmless sounding shelterwood “treatments” … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning | Comments Off on All in the name of Ecological Forestry in Nova Scotia 17Jun2021

All in the name of ecological forestry

On People for Ecological Forestry in Southwest Nova Scotia June 14, 2021 The Corporate Capture of Crown Land continues…mostly clearcuts leaving a handful of trees standing…all in the name of ecological forestry of course. Lahey who? What a hoax that … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia Forestry Maps issues directive on submitting comments on harvests 4Jun2021

& Annapolis County’s Crown lands continue to be heavily logged & L&F seems to have been blind to issues with internet connections in rural areas which can prevent comments being submitted via the Map Viewer Received today: Forestry Maps <> … Continue reading

Posted in L&F | Comments Off on Nova Scotia Forestry Maps issues directive on submitting comments on harvests 4Jun2021