Search Results for: Annapolis

AP068499 Beals Meadow

Also view these subpages: – Nina Newington on TRR 1, TRR 2, TRR3 – What it was all about – NRR’s Line in the Sand – Maps – Soil Type – Nutrient Budgeting & This Series of Posts on Logging … Continue reading

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From the Netherlands Re: Harvest Plan AP068499: Beal’s Brook, Nova Scotia 6Jan2022

I saw this letter from Sandy Martin, a Nova Scotian currently living in the Netherlands, posted on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology (Public Group Facebook Page) and messaged Sandy to ask if I could post it, also … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, Citizen Science, Climate Change, Conservation, New PC Government, Social Values, Wabanaki Forest, WestFor | Comments Off on From the Netherlands Re: Harvest Plan AP068499: Beal’s Brook, Nova Scotia 6Jan2022

In the News 2021

This page lists news items related to forests and forestry in NS beginning Jan 1, 2021. View these pages for more recent items: In the News (current) In the News Jan-May 2022 View these subpages for older items: In the … Continue reading

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It is Christmas Eve and bitterly cold at the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor encampment 24Dec2021

Thank you, Extinction Rebellion Mi’kma’ki / Nova Scotia and all of the folks at the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor Encampment and helping to maintain it for giving many of us in Mi’kma’ki hope on this Christmas Eve that we can … Continue reading

Posted in New PC Government, Social Values, Wabanaki Forest, Wildlife | Comments Off on It is Christmas Eve and bitterly cold at the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor encampment 24Dec2021

Nina Newington/XR Mi’kmaki/NS: It takes a while 22Dec2021

In a few words and images, a short video made by Nina Newington for Extinction Rebellion Mi’kma’ki / Nova Scotia at the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor Encampment Dec 18, 2021  conveys a deep sense of ‘what it’s all about”. From the … Continue reading

Posted in Social Values, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Nina Newington/XR Mi’kmaki/NS: It takes a while 22Dec2021

Nina Newington: Thoughts on Day 12 at the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor Encampment 13Dec2021

And a pictorial summary of these last 12 days Received from NN this a.m., also posted on XR-NS Facebook Page: (Photos are from from this current post and other posts on XR-NS): “Practicalities ruled in the early part of the … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Landscape Level Planning, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government, Social Media, Social Values, Variable Retention, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Nina Newington: Thoughts on Day 12 at the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor Encampment 13Dec2021

Old Growth

‘Working on it A “public consultation” on Nova Scotia’s “Old-Growth Forest Policy” was announced 9 Nov 2021. It was limited to a ‘submit your comments’ process, with those due on Dec 8, 2021. From NRR: – News Release – Draft: … Continue reading

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Comments on the draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy: Nina Newington from tent in storm 7Dec2021

Received from Nina Newington in an e-mail dated 5.40 a.m. Dec 7, 2021 (bolding inserted): Done in haste from tent in storm but done… Old Growth Forest Policy Comment by Nina Newington Little time was allowed for comment on this … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen Science, Conservation, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, Ind Rev Post-Report, Indigenous Peoples, Mi'kmaq, New PC Government, Old Growth, Parks & Protected Areas, WestFor | Tagged | Comments Off on Comments on the draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy: Nina Newington from tent in storm 7Dec2021

The draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy is weak on conservation of old forest species 1Dec2021

Curiously, in the new policy document , conservation of old forest biodiversity is not explicitly cited in the text as a goal, while it is an explicit goal in the existing (2012) policy. In practice,  both  the 2012  policy and … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, Ecosystem Services, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, New PC Government | Comments Off on The draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy is weak on conservation of old forest species 1Dec2021

Nina Newington responds to WestFor on Rocky Lake 25Nov2021

From Nina Newington on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology

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