Search Results for: biomass

Is High Production Forestry compatible with the Nova Scotia Premier’s commitment to carbon neutrality? 11Mar2021

Simply put, one cannot make the assumption that “implementing the Lahey recommendations” will help to mitigate climate change Candidate Rankin and now Premier Rankin continues to voice loudly his commitment to addressing climate change, in the Speech from the Throne … Continue reading

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Bev Wigney on the revised SGEM for Nova Scotia: perspectives of a naturalist 15Feb2021

Bev Wigney is first and foremost a naturalist. She founded the Facebook Group Annapolis Royal and Area – Environment & Ecology in the fall of 2018, primarily to promote  natural history observation in the Annapolis area. She and others  became … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, Social Media | Comments Off on Bev Wigney on the revised SGEM for Nova Scotia: perspectives of a naturalist 15Feb2021

Addie & Fred Campaigne on the revised Silvicultural Guide for Nova Scotia: Carbon-based silviculture is paramount 12Feb2021

And a lot else Just under a year ago I needed some inspiration to comment on the High Production Forestry Discussion Paper, and it came from Addie and Fred Campaigne who had posted their thoughtful comments on a social media … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Citizen Science, Climate Change, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Social Media, Social Values | Comments Off on Addie & Fred Campaigne on the revised Silvicultural Guide for Nova Scotia: Carbon-based silviculture is paramount 12Feb2021

A question to the Nova Scotia Liberal Leadership Candidates: How do you plan to align Nova Scotia with the federal Liberal Government’s commitment to 30% Protected Area by 2030? 2Jan 2021

To Randy Delorey, Labi Kousoulis and Iain Rankin, Nova Scotia MLAs and Candidates for leadership of NS Liberal party/Premier of Nova Scotia, to be elected  on February 6, 2021 : I ask you to give some serious thought to this … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Landscape Level Planning, Parks & Protected Areas, Social Values, Wildlife | Comments Off on A question to the Nova Scotia Liberal Leadership Candidates: How do you plan to align Nova Scotia with the federal Liberal Government’s commitment to 30% Protected Area by 2030? 2Jan 2021

Elmsdale Biochar initiative provides some good news on the forestry front, but we still need rigorous forest & forestry carbon accounting for Nova Scotia 28Dec2020

UPDATE DEC 30, 2020: Another good news item involving Mr. Wilbur appeared in the news yesterday: view NS Nature Trust Wild Blue Announcement ——- Kudos are due to oft-outspoken Robin Wilbur of Elmsdale Lumber for his seriously pursuing production of … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Climate Change, Economics, softwood lumber | Comments Off on Elmsdale Biochar initiative provides some good news on the forestry front, but we still need rigorous forest & forestry carbon accounting for Nova Scotia 28Dec2020

On Mills and silviculture

Some of the discussion following a post by Bev Wigney on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology Dec 11, 2020 Highlighting is mine. BW Post: Anyone else thinking the same thing I’m thinking… that Rankin and Mombourquette are … Continue reading

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Moose Injunction

Some Facebook Posts Anyone else thinking the same thing I’m thinking… that Rankin and Mombourquette are going to look like a couple of nasty-tempered idiots if the police have to come and arrest all of these people for trying to … Continue reading

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A selection management operation

Posted on Healthy Forest Coalition Facebook Page, Jan 24, 2019 Members of the HFC are working with other organizations to find solutions for sustainable forest industry and ecology. Written by Paul Pross: “On December 10 a small group of HFC … Continue reading

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As Hurricane Teddy heads our way, some thoughts about our windblown Nova Scotia forests 21Sep2020

Hurricane Teddy is tracking northward and “is expected to impact Atlantic Canada and the Gulf of St. Lawrence region Tuesday and Wednesday as a “very dangerous” post-tropical storm as it moves through the region, bringing strong winds, heavy rain, storm … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Natural History | Comments Off on As Hurricane Teddy heads our way, some thoughts about our windblown Nova Scotia forests 21Sep2020

Forests, Silviculture & Climate Change

The Effects of Forest Management on Carbon Storage in Ontario’s Forests Stephen J. Colombo et al., 2005. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 139 pp. “This report examines how forest management can affect the carbon (C) balance of Ontario’s forests. Ten … Continue reading

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