Search Results for: biomass

Nina Newington to Law Amendments Committee on Bill 57: The climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis are intertwined 1Nov2021

Update, Nov 3, 2021 – Presenter says government needs ‘courage to lead’ on environmental bill Michael Gorman · CBC News Nov 2, 2021 “While the Tory environment bill was lauded by most, all agreed it must go further” – N.S. … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Conservation, New PC Government, Parks & Protected Areas, Social Values | Comments Off on Nina Newington to Law Amendments Committee on Bill 57: The climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis are intertwined 1Nov2021

How important is Big Forestry to the Nova Scotia economy? 6Sep2021

An ad by Forest NS in Saturday’s Chronicle Herald prompted me to check some stats. Forestry’s role in Nova Scotia’s economy is far from enough, it would appear, to justify further subsidy of Big Forestry by allowing our most productive … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, New PC Government | Comments Off on How important is Big Forestry to the Nova Scotia economy? 6Sep2021

Please, Prof. Lahey: issue your report on L&F’s progress in implementing your recommendations for Nova Scotia’s forests and forestry 2Sep 2021

There were likely downsides to the Liberals if Prof. Lahey’s “Progress Report” was  published just before the recent provincial election – it’s hard to see how Prof. Lahey could not be highly critical of progress under the Liberal Government in … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, New PC Government | Comments Off on Please, Prof. Lahey: issue your report on L&F’s progress in implementing your recommendations for Nova Scotia’s forests and forestry 2Sep 2021

Nina Newington comments on the Nova Scotia Sustainable Development Goals Act 27July2021

“Nice words are not enough. Actions speak far louder, and if we listen to this government’s actions, it is hard not to suspect that this SDGA consultation is just more window dressing. We need proposed actions, we need a mechanism … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Climate Change, Conservation, Rankin | Comments Off on Nina Newington comments on the Nova Scotia Sustainable Development Goals Act 27July2021

Rankin calls Nova Scotia election, two forestry Guides released the day before but no Progress Report from Lahey 19Jul2021

UPDATE. No Progress Report coming from Lahey anytime soon: “William Lahey, the report’s author, was expected to submit a progress report this spring, but he recently told CBC News the work is not yet complete.” – CBC July 21, 2021 … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Ind Rev Post-Report, Rankin | Comments Off on Rankin calls Nova Scotia election, two forestry Guides released the day before but no Progress Report from Lahey 19Jul2021

We now have another “FSC” in Nova Scotia forestry 1July2021

Most of us associate the acronym “FSC” with Forest Stewardship Council certification. Recently, the Nova Scotia Forestry Human Resources Sector Council for which “interim management was provided by the executive of Forest Nova Scotia” rebranded itself the Forestry Sector Council … Continue reading

Posted in Forest Certification, Ind Rev Post-Report, Social Values | Comments Off on We now have another “FSC” in Nova Scotia forestry 1July2021

Finally, word of a Progress Report from Prof. Lahey on Nova Scotia’s effort to shift to ecological forestry 14Apr2021

The report was scheduled initially for spring of 2020; one might say ‘Better Late than Never’, but in this case that will depend very much on the content of Prof. Lahey’s Progress Report and on whether Forest NS and allies … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on Finally, word of a Progress Report from Prof. Lahey on Nova Scotia’s effort to shift to ecological forestry 14Apr2021

Five Big Victories of Big Forestry versus the ‘Biodiversity Lobby’ in Nova Scotia, one pending 25Mar2021

Big Forestry has managed to get a taboo on regulating just about anything on private lands in Nova Scotia and to continue to get what it wants from our Crown (public) lands while degrading their ecological and social value. It … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Social Values | Comments Off on Five Big Victories of Big Forestry versus the ‘Biodiversity Lobby’ in Nova Scotia, one pending 25Mar2021

In the News

This page lists news items related to forests and forestry in NS beginning June 1, 2022. Sometime during the past year, I started putting all news items on this page –  instead of putting some items on other pages (e.g. … Continue reading

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In the News 2020

–This page  provides a list of links to news items related to forests and forestry in Nova Scotia beginning Jan 1, 2020 to Dec 31, 2020  as I was able to catch them. For More recent news, see In the … Continue reading

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