Search Results for: biomass

Canada’s faulty forest carbon accounting laid bare 30Mar2020

Barry Saxifrage, writing in the National Observer, lays out the complicated way Canada reports forest carbon balances, and how that reporting has been changed in recent years to hide some inconvenient truths In a remarkable, lengthy and well researched opinion … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Show Us the Science | Comments Off on Canada’s faulty forest carbon accounting laid bare 30Mar2020

Why we need a Precautionary Biodiversity Landscape Plan for Nova Scotia 16Mar2020

What we have now is a precautionary plan to protect wood supply in NS UPDATE Also view: Need for Biodiversity Landscape Planning before finalizing HPF and Ecological Matrix components of the Triad, and for caution in selection of HPF sites … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning | Comments Off on Why we need a Precautionary Biodiversity Landscape Plan for Nova Scotia 16Mar2020

Richard Spinks did not invent Nova Scotia’s Plan B to replace the lost market for “low value wood” 1Mar2020

The first versions of Plan B emerged when the Bowater mill closed in 2012. It is still alive and well, mostly  behind closed doors. The Chronicle Herald seems to think that the Grandiose Scheme to replace the lost market for … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass | Comments Off on Richard Spinks did not invent Nova Scotia’s Plan B to replace the lost market for “low value wood” 1Mar2020

Discussion of HPF post

On Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology Initial Post Feb 21, 2020: DGP: We need to be concerned about this one; there is a lot of detail in this document which reveals much about priorities and planning at … Continue reading

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Plan B/Biorefinery

Some of the history of Nova Scotia’s Plan B (what to do with “low value wood” if NP goes down).  The focus of these items is  on the Biorefinery and related concepts (Bioplastics, Biofuel, and Bioeconomy…) which have yet to … Continue reading

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In 2020, strict standards and transparency are required for Nova Scotia’s forest chipping/bioenergy projects to be credible as “good for the environment” 11Feb2020

Small scale wood chip-heating systems for public buildings are currently being fast-tracked by L&F as a partial substitute for The Mill as a market for low value wood, and touted as “carbon-friendly fuel“. A much bolder vision is being promoted … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Climate Change, Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F | Comments Off on In 2020, strict standards and transparency are required for Nova Scotia’s forest chipping/bioenergy projects to be credible as “good for the environment” 11Feb2020

BW on the Birch Hill Forest 21Jan2020

Text of Bev Wigney’s post on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology (Public Facebook Group), Jan 21, 2020. My comments regarding the BIRCH HILL FOREST — as just submitted on the HPMV comment submission site. If it seems … Continue reading

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A sober but hopeful start to the New Year 1Jan2020

Premier McNeil’s announcement Dec 20, 2019 that he would be honouring the Boat Harbour Act, and Northern Pulp’s announcement that they would close The Mill mark a historic transition on several fronts. The sober part is the direct loss of … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Climate Change, Pulp & Paper, Social Media | Comments Off on A sober but hopeful start to the New Year 1Jan2020


Nov 18, 2017: Editorials and letters about forestry in Nova Scotia continued..continued 18Nov2016: Two Perspectives Nov 15, 2017: MANS proposal to swap mines and protected area in Nova Scotia hardly dead Nov 14, 2017: ‘Want to comment on a post … Continue reading

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Older News

This page  provides a list of links to news items related to forests and forestry in Nova Scotia beginning June 11, 2018 up to Jan 13, 2020,  as I was able to catch them. For more recent items, view In … Continue reading

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