Search Results for: Bev Wigney

Bev Wigney on Super Canopy Trees

Post on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology, Mar 10, 2019       We’re all becoming just sick — heart sick — of seeing these great old super canopy trees hacked down — when they should be … Continue reading

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Bev Wigney on “Moose Patches” 12Mar2022

“MOOSE PATCHES: Second** in my series of sketches about Forest concerns. Did you know that harvesting of forests on Crown lands in what are referred to as “Significant Mainland Moose Concentration Areas” is permitted so long as small “Moose retention … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Natural Resources & Renewables, Wabanaki Forest, Wildlife | Comments Off on Bev Wigney on “Moose Patches” 12Mar2022

Comments on the draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy: Annapolis Ecology Group founder Bev Wigney 7Dec2021

Received from Bev Wigney, this a.m. My comments: 1.) Determination of, protection of, and oversight of Old Growth Forest stands should be removed from the control of the Dept of Natural Resources and Renewables and moved to the control of … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen Science, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, Ind Rev Post-Report, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government, Old Growth, Wabanaki Forest, Wildlife | Comments Off on Comments on the draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy: Annapolis Ecology Group founder Bev Wigney 7Dec2021

Bev Wigney on the revised SGEM for Nova Scotia: perspectives of a naturalist 15Feb2021

Bev Wigney is first and foremost a naturalist. She founded the Facebook Group Annapolis Royal and Area – Environment & Ecology in the fall of 2018, primarily to promote  natural history observation in the Annapolis area. She and others  became … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, Social Media | Comments Off on Bev Wigney on the revised SGEM for Nova Scotia: perspectives of a naturalist 15Feb2021

Bev Wigney on Parcel ID # IN205583 (Cape Breton Highlands) 25Jan2021

Says Bev Wigney, “Why don’t you leave something for dessert?” Or, just perhaps, for the Next Seven Generations. Bev Wigney, today, on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology, a public Facebook Group. (Bolding inserted): Hello Forestry Maps Entity, … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, HPMV, Landscape Level Planning, Watersheds | Comments Off on Bev Wigney on Parcel ID # IN205583 (Cape Breton Highlands) 25Jan2021

Bev Wigney on Porcupines

Posted on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology Jan 23, 2021 PORCUPINE (Erethizon dorsatum) Another natural history post — again, I’ll be jumping around with these — not just insects and spiders, but mammals, reptiles and amphibians, birds, … Continue reading

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Bev Wigney on proposed changes to the Canada Migratory Bird Regulations that would allow exceptions to the prohibition against disturbance of nests 24July2019

“If anything, it’s time to toughen up the rules and establish a [Forestry] SILENT SEASON to allow migratory birds, as well as mammals raising their young in spring and summer, to have some peace and lack of disturbance and destruction.” … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Social Media | Comments Off on Bev Wigney on proposed changes to the Canada Migratory Bird Regulations that would allow exceptions to the prohibition against disturbance of nests 24July2019

Bev Wigney On Forest Roads in Nova Scotia 29May2019

Bev Wigney is an Annapolis area naturalist concerned about the state of our forests. She posted this ‘Sunday morning rant’ on Forest Roads on the Facebook page for Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology, a public Facebook group, … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Landscape Level Planning, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on Bev Wigney On Forest Roads in Nova Scotia 29May2019

Bev W: Who Shall Protect The Moose?

OP ED – I submitted this to the Chronicle-Herald about a week ago, but it looks like it won’t make the cut – the “opinion” section has been filled with rants about Trump and U.S. politics – so local issues … Continue reading

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Forest fires rage in Nova Scotia, Premier bans forest activities, but not those of forestry 1Jun2023

I just read a letter by Annapolis Valley naturalist Bev Wigney sent yesterday to  Premier Houston and NRR Minister Tory Rushton in which she appeals to them to to “shut down forestry operations completely, with *no loopholes*”. I  had read … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Fire, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on Forest fires rage in Nova Scotia, Premier bans forest activities, but not those of forestry 1Jun2023