Two woodlots in Nova Scotia, one involving clearcut forestry and promoting softwoods, the other involving selection management and maintaining a mixed, multi-aged Acadian forest.
It seems that over a full rotation, the costs of HPF approach or exceed the profits; Greg Watson asks “who’s going to pay for it, and if it’s the taxpayer, are they willing to foot the bill? “
An article by Aaron Beswick in the Chronicle Herald Saturday Print Ed. – The future of Crown land: where politics, forestry, environment meet (view image on WWNS), also published online under saltwire.com – features some illuminating comments by Greg Watson, Manager of the North Nova Forest Owners Co-op. They concern the economic viability of HPF (High production Forestry) and Ecological Forestry which would be implemented in the HPF and Ecological Matrix components of Lahey et al’s Triad once that is finally implemented.
Says Watson, “The HPF model is comparable to agriculture, as the land is intensively managed to increase the quantity and quality of a defined set of products over a specified time”. He cites figures from his own experience with a similarly managed stand (put in a table format below by NSFN): Continue reading