Category Archives: Social Values

Nova Scotia Healthy Forest Coalition to hold a “Forest Funeral” Thurs Oct 19, 2017

As announced on the Forest Funeral Events Facebook page: You are invited to mourn our forest losses with citizens from across the province. Please come to pay your respects to the once great Acadian Forest. An ‘open casket’ of tiny … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Indigenous Peoples, Social Values | Leave a comment

Clearcutting is putting tourism at risk says President of Nova Scotia Tourism Industry Association

“Nova Scotia is blessed with incredible natural beauty…[but] in many areas, there has been a total abdication of responsibility around clearcutting targets and forestry management practices, including herbicide and pesticide spraying. As people seek out authentic and nature-based experiences, why … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Economics, NSDNR, Recreation, Social Values | Leave a comment

Zack M on Old Growth forest in Nova Scotia

Just a few days back, I made a post about Zack Metcalfe’s walk through clearcut Crown land. His Guide talked about the declines of once common birds inhabiting mature forest, and how forestry on Crown land is removing the last … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biophilia, Conservation, Natural History, Old Growth, Social Values | Leave a comment

Northern Pulp to build a replacement for Boat Harbour treatment facility

“While the province moves forward with their promise to clean up Boat Harbour and to shut down the controversial Boat Harbour treatment facility by January 2020, Northern Pulp is taking steps to replace it…There are still many aspects of the … Continue reading

Posted in Mi'kmaq, Pulp & Paper, Social Values | Leave a comment

In Annapolis, Nova Scotia, Sunday Aug 20: Forest Market and Fair

The Medway Community Forest Cooperative is holding their first annual Forest Market and Fair at the Annapolis Royal Farmer’s Market grounds on Sunday, August 20th from 11:00am-2:00pm. Visitors are invited to Explore the amazing diversity of goods and services that … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biophilia, Conservation, Economics, Social Values | Leave a comment

Topical MES thesis at Dal on woodland owners in Nova Scotia

School for Resource and Environmental Studies MES Thesis Defence GIFTS TO A FUTURE WORLD: CONVERSATIONS WITH WOODLAND OWNERS IN NOVA SCOTIA By Andrew W. Kekacs Abstract: Private, non-industrial woodland owners provide more than half of the timber used by Nova … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Private Woodlots, Social Values | Leave a comment

Crossland: federal Migratory Birds Convention Act ignored as habitat is cut for chips

In an opinion piece in the CH, Donna Crossland bemoans the destruction of bird habitat by clearcutting noting that May-June are the most critical months for many forest songbirds, though most of us remain unaware of the rather frantic lives … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, clearcuts, Conservation, Letters&Editorials, Social Values | Leave a comment

Canada Day

Composition by Don P.

Posted in Biophilia, Indigenous Peoples, Mi'kmaq, Natural History, Social Values | Leave a comment

CBC InfoA.M. attempts to sort out issues between smaller private owners and operators and the WestFor consortium – #3 The Government view

Deputy Minister Julie Towers defends NSDNR CBC Halifax Information Morning has carried several lengthy interviews recently to do with the state of forestry in Nova Scotia, and in particular controversies surrounding cutting on the Western Crown lands by the WestFor … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Economics, Ecosystem Services, Letters&Editorials, Lumber, NSDNR, Private Woodlots, Pulp & Paper, Show Us the Science, Social Values, WestFor, Wildlife | Leave a comment

New Nova Scotia Natural Resources minister queried about clearcutting

CBC reporters managed to get in a few moments with new Natural Resources Minister, Margaret Miller, to talk about the Wentworth clearcut and related issues. Following is an abbreviated transcript of the 5 minute audio file. It was carried on … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, NSDNR, Social Values | Leave a comment