Category Archives: Ind Rev Post-Report

We now have another “FSC” in Nova Scotia forestry 1July2021

Most of us associate the acronym “FSC” with Forest Stewardship Council certification. Recently, the Nova Scotia Forestry Human Resources Sector Council for which “interim management was provided by the executive of Forest Nova Scotia” rebranded itself the Forestry Sector Council … Continue reading

Posted in Forest Certification, Ind Rev Post-Report, Social Values | Comments Off on We now have another “FSC” in Nova Scotia forestry 1July2021

All in the name of Ecological Forestry in Nova Scotia… continued 25Jun2021

On Stop Clearcutting Unama’ki (Cape Breton) today:

Posted in Acadian Forest, Certification, clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on All in the name of Ecological Forestry in Nova Scotia… continued 25Jun2021

All in the name of Ecological Forestry in Nova Scotia 17Jun2021

UPDATE: Comment on Stop Spraying & Clear-Cutting Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia) June 18, 2021: “Our wilderness is disappearing forever with our forestry practices. I am finding when visiting Crown blocks up for “harvest” that even the relatively harmless sounding shelterwood “treatments” … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning | Comments Off on All in the name of Ecological Forestry in Nova Scotia 17Jun2021

Plourde: Apply the triad to all of Nova Scotia, make Crown lands the Protected Leg 29May2021

“Now that it has been made abundantly clear that the forestry industry lobby will never allow any new biodiversity regulations on private lands, it is equally clear that our Crown lands are the only option we have, as a province, … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Parks & Protected Areas, Social Values | Comments Off on Plourde: Apply the triad to all of Nova Scotia, make Crown lands the Protected Leg 29May2021

Draft Nova Scotia Forestry EA Process surfaces 21May2021

It appears Talk and Log will continue for another four years after the Lahey Recommendations are implemented Full implementation of the Lahey Recommendations, promised by Iain Rankin before the next election, involves several major components, some of which the public … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F | Comments Off on Draft Nova Scotia Forestry EA Process surfaces 21May2021

“Finding the Mother Tree” – can it change the way we manage our forests in Nova Scotia? 9May2021?

A remarkable story was published this past week: Finding The Mother Tree: Discovering The Wisdom Of The Forest by Suzanne Simard, 368 pages, Published:May 4, 2021, by Penguin Random House. Listed at $Can $34.95 It’s remarkable in many respects: as … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Natural History, Social Values | Comments Off on “Finding the Mother Tree” – can it change the way we manage our forests in Nova Scotia? 9May2021?

Finally, word of a Progress Report from Prof. Lahey on Nova Scotia’s effort to shift to ecological forestry 14Apr2021

The report was scheduled initially for spring of 2020; one might say ‘Better Late than Never’, but in this case that will depend very much on the content of Prof. Lahey’s Progress Report and on whether Forest NS and allies … Continue reading

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For the record: Rankin’s first comments as premier of Nova Scotia on implementing the Lahey Report & Owl’s Head 25Feb 2021

UPDATE Feb 27, 2021: About golf courses in protected areas (“A legacy of the past”) ————– Iain Rankin, sworn in an Premier on Tuesday Feb 23rd was interviewed on CBC’s Information Morning the next day. For the record, an ‘abbreviated … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, Parks & Protected Areas | Comments Off on For the record: Rankin’s first comments as premier of Nova Scotia on implementing the Lahey Report & Owl’s Head 25Feb 2021

Bill Lahey on Rick Howe Show comments on where we are with his recommendations 24Feb2021

From News 95.7:  “The Rick Howe Show with Jordi Morgan – Monday, February 22, 2021 Iain Rankin has vowed to bring the Lahey report into action this year. We talk about it with author of the report Bill Lahey.” An … Continue reading

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Comment on the revised SGEM for Nova Scotia: an inconvenient truth about our soils 16Feb2021

Soils over more than 50% of the forested landscape in Nova Scotia simply need time to recover if we are ever to achieve truly sustainable harvesting, and to conserve and restore forest and aquatic biodiversity. At a minimum, we need … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Social Values | Comments Off on Comment on the revised SGEM for Nova Scotia: an inconvenient truth about our soils 16Feb2021