Category Archives: Conservation

Nina Newington Notes from Court #3 — ‘Irreparable Harm’ and the ‘Balance of Convenience’, February 25th, 2021

“What is the value of a standing forest?” asks Nina Newington. And, “What price a lost forest? And who pays that price? Whose forest was it, in the first place?” By Nina Newington Originally posted on Annapolis Royal & Area … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Social Media, Social Values, WestFor | Comments Off on Nina Newington Notes from Court #3 — ‘Irreparable Harm’ and the ‘Balance of Convenience’, February 25th, 2021

Comment on the revised SGEM for Nova Scotia: an inconvenient truth about our soils 16Feb2021

Soils over more than 50% of the forested landscape in Nova Scotia simply need time to recover if we are ever to achieve truly sustainable harvesting, and to conserve and restore forest and aquatic biodiversity. At a minimum, we need … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Social Values | Comments Off on Comment on the revised SGEM for Nova Scotia: an inconvenient truth about our soils 16Feb2021

Bev Wigney on the revised SGEM for Nova Scotia: perspectives of a naturalist 15Feb2021

Bev Wigney is first and foremost a naturalist. She founded the Facebook Group Annapolis Royal and Area – Environment & Ecology in the fall of 2018, primarily to promote  natural history observation in the Annapolis area. She and others  became … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, Social Media | Comments Off on Bev Wigney on the revised SGEM for Nova Scotia: perspectives of a naturalist 15Feb2021

Addie & Fred Campaigne on the revised Silvicultural Guide for Nova Scotia: Carbon-based silviculture is paramount 12Feb2021

And a lot else Just under a year ago I needed some inspiration to comment on the High Production Forestry Discussion Paper, and it came from Addie and Fred Campaigne who had posted their thoughtful comments on a social media … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Citizen Science, Climate Change, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Social Media, Social Values | Comments Off on Addie & Fred Campaigne on the revised Silvicultural Guide for Nova Scotia: Carbon-based silviculture is paramount 12Feb2021

Nina Newington Notes from Court #2 — the Illusion of Consent, February 5th, 2021

Nina Newington’s post on Extinction rebellion Nova Scotia (Public Facebook Page) today: “Background: I spent the day in the Nova Scotia Supreme Court on January 26th, observing WestFor’s application to extend the temporary injunction they were granted in December against … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, Social Media, Social Values, WestFor, Wildlife | Comments Off on Nina Newington Notes from Court #2 — the Illusion of Consent, February 5th, 2021

Mike Lancaster’s thoughtful words about the Westfor video defending their forestry practices/moose management 31Jan2021

Following their day in court on Jan 26, 2021 to argue their case for “continuance of a court order against protesters who have been trying to stop clear cutting in public forests” (CBC, Jan 26, 2021), WestFor posted a video … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, WestFor, Wildlife | Comments Off on Mike Lancaster’s thoughtful words about the Westfor video defending their forestry practices/moose management 31Jan2021

Cutting Moose Country# 1 in Nina Newington’s Notes From Court 30Jan2021

From a post by Nina Newington on Extinction Rebellion  Nova Scotia (public Facebook Group): “I spent the day in the Nova Scotia Supreme Court on January 26th, observing WestFor’s application to extend the temporary injunction they were granted in December … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, Show Us the Science, Social Media, Social Values | Comments Off on Cutting Moose Country# 1 in Nina Newington’s Notes From Court 30Jan2021

Forest Nova Scotia’s “simple math” underscores key issue for success or failure of Government’s implementation of Lahey Recommendations: How much wood is to be taken from Crown lands? 22Jan 2021

UPDATE; Comment by Nina Newington on ‘what I actually said” Big Forestry in Nova Scotia, well represented by Forest Nova Scotia, and WestFor and  their individual advocates rarely comment in public in any detail on controversial  issues except for the  … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F, Landscape Level Planning, Social Values | Comments Off on Forest Nova Scotia’s “simple math” underscores key issue for success or failure of Government’s implementation of Lahey Recommendations: How much wood is to be taken from Crown lands? 22Jan 2021

Landscape-level “Log the best and leave the rest” on Nova Scotia’s Crown land forests 10Jan 2021

Examples from the two most recent Harvest Plan Notifications, one in Queens Co. in SW Nova Scotia and one in the area of the proposed Ingram River Wilderness Area (Halifax Co.)  illustrate how the practice of “log the best and … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, herbicides, Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F, Landscape Level Planning | Comments Off on Landscape-level “Log the best and leave the rest” on Nova Scotia’s Crown land forests 10Jan 2021

Liberal Leadership Candidate’s Responses to Question re: 30% Protection for Nova Scotia by 2030 6Jan 2021

UPDATE Jan 7, 2021: Same question posed to leaders of NS Green, NDP, Conservative parties. Note:  The Final Candidate Forum is this evening at 7:00 p.m. It can be viewed livestream at  I have submitted this question to the forum. … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Conservation, Ecosystem Services, Parks & Protected Areas, Social Values | Comments Off on Liberal Leadership Candidate’s Responses to Question re: 30% Protection for Nova Scotia by 2030 6Jan 2021