Search Results for: Landscape level planning

Nova Scotia L&F releases draft Forest Management Guide for comment 21Jan2021

From Forest Management Guide: public consultation Nova Scotians are invited to provide their feedback on the new Forest Management Guide, which outlines the silviculture prescriptions and timber harvest methods allowed on Crown land. You can submit your feedback by 19 … Continue reading

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A question to the Nova Scotia Liberal Leadership Candidates: How do you plan to align Nova Scotia with the federal Liberal Government’s commitment to 30% Protected Area by 2030? 2Jan 2021

To Randy Delorey, Labi Kousoulis and Iain Rankin, Nova Scotia MLAs and Candidates for leadership of NS Liberal party/Premier of Nova Scotia, to be elected  on February 6, 2021 : I ask you to give some serious thought to this … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Landscape Level Planning, Parks & Protected Areas, Social Values, Wildlife | Comments Off on A question to the Nova Scotia Liberal Leadership Candidates: How do you plan to align Nova Scotia with the federal Liberal Government’s commitment to 30% Protected Area by 2030? 2Jan 2021

It seems L&F’s response to just about everything is ignore, study some more, hire some more & keep on logging 16Nov2020

With still no response from L&F to the protests over logging in Mainland Moose Country, the Naturalists’ legally successful lawsuit not withstanding, I read this am that L&F is now looking for a Resource Analyst – Wildlife Biodiversity Modeler (Biologist … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F, Social Values | Comments Off on It seems L&F’s response to just about everything is ignore, study some more, hire some more & keep on logging 16Nov2020

Plourde urges Premier to reset the agenda on nature for Nova Scotia 13Oct2020

Raymond Plourde says that we can move to 14% protected with a stroke of the Premier’s pen. Then it’s time to go further. A spate of recent local or locally relevant news  underscores a basic conflict that confronts many jurisdictions … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on Plourde urges Premier to reset the agenda on nature for Nova Scotia 13Oct2020

Land Base

Also view these subpages: Land Base/Historic Afforestation Land Base/Forest Land Capability On this page: 1. How much Crown land is still available for protection? 2.How much of Nova Scotia was forested in pre-settler times? 3. How much land was cleared … Continue reading

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An assessment of Nova Scotia L&F’s progress in implementing Ecological Forestry in response to the Lahey Report, Part 2: The HPF and FMG projects 27Aug2020

It seems there is still a long way to go before they hatch. In the meantime, logging on Crown land continues pretty well unabated. In a recent CBC interview, the L&F Minister of Lands & Forestry was asked how he … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F | Comments Off on An assessment of Nova Scotia L&F’s progress in implementing Ecological Forestry in response to the Lahey Report, Part 2: The HPF and FMG projects 27Aug2020

Upcoming MCFC webinars should shed some light on L&F responses to Lahey recommendations 14June2020

Some text added & editing June 15 am, 2020 A lot is expected from application of an Environmental Assessment process to Crown land forestry operations in Nova Scotia We are not hearing much from L&F these days, except for the … Continue reading

Posted in events, Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on Upcoming MCFC webinars should shed some light on L&F responses to Lahey recommendations 14June2020

Protecting supply of “wood” but not necessarily big trees from Nova Scotia’s Crown lands remains the priority at L&F 15Mar2020

As Addie and Fred Campaingne pointed out, the fundamental principle underlying the Lahey recommendations is to redress the balance between commercial uses of forests and protecting ecosystems and biodiversity. “In other words, I have concluded that protecting ecosystems and biodiversity … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on Protecting supply of “wood” but not necessarily big trees from Nova Scotia’s Crown lands remains the priority at L&F 15Mar2020


Nov 18, 2017: Editorials and letters about forestry in Nova Scotia continued..continued 18Nov2016: Two Perspectives Nov 15, 2017: MANS proposal to swap mines and protected area in Nova Scotia hardly dead Nov 14, 2017: ‘Want to comment on a post … Continue reading

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Older News

This page  provides a list of links to news items related to forests and forestry in Nova Scotia beginning June 11, 2018 up to Jan 13, 2020,  as I was able to catch them. For more recent items, view In … Continue reading

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