Search Results for: Landscape level planning

Moving Beyond Lahey: can Nova Scotia participate in a “Global Deal for Nature”? 14Dec2019

In the context of the messages coming from COP25, the Lahey Recommendations are too little and their implementation by L&F far too tardy Today (Sat Dec14, 2019): The COP25 Climate negotiations in Madrid are set to continue today as countries … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, Social Values | Comments Off on Moving Beyond Lahey: can Nova Scotia participate in a “Global Deal for Nature”? 14Dec2019

Irregular Shelterwood

Irregular Shelterwood silviculture figures prominently in the Independent Review as practices that should be adopted in NS. This emphasis reflects strongly the key role of Prof Bob Seymour of the University Maine in the Independent Review (also in the earlier … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia Healthy Forest Coalition provides summary/critique of the L&F June 25 meeting 9July2019

“This department could do as much or more than the rest of the Government of Nova Scotia put together to mitigate global warming if it adopted just two policies: (1) recognized that the maintenance of intact forests is one of … Continue reading

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Sue Skipton on The Bears of West Dalhousie, Nova Scotia 5July2019

Sue Skipton urges us to rethink how we perceive and live with these “human critters” in Nova Scotia UPDATE: View Bear Necessities – Living with the bears no hardship for animal-loving West Dalhousie woman By Lawrence Powell for the Annapolis … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Social Media, Social Values, Wildlife | Comments Off on Sue Skipton on The Bears of West Dalhousie, Nova Scotia 5July2019

Bev Wigney On Forest Roads in Nova Scotia 29May2019

Bev Wigney is an Annapolis area naturalist concerned about the state of our forests. She posted this ‘Sunday morning rant’ on Forest Roads on the Facebook page for Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology, a public Facebook group, … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Landscape Level Planning, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on Bev Wigney On Forest Roads in Nova Scotia 29May2019

In the works: EAs for Forestry in Nova Scotia 30Mar2019

Just how the Forestry EA process materializes and works could have a huge impact on the politics of forestry in NS. It’s definitely an item to keep an eye on. It’s encouraging to see the EA (Environmental Assessment) process do … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review, Show Us the Science, Social Values | Comments Off on In the works: EAs for Forestry in Nova Scotia 30Mar2019

Why is the low base saturation/soil acidification/nutrient depletion/extreme surface water acidity in SW Nova Scotia still ignored in Crown land harvest decisions?

Comment added Feb 6, 2019 With the WestFor mowing machine released to make it’s way through SW Nova Scotia,  our “last great wood basket“,  on Oct 1, 2018, local residents are losing a lot of sleep both from the sound of … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F, NSDNR, Show Us the Science, Watersheds, WestFor | Comments Off on Why is the low base saturation/soil acidification/nutrient depletion/extreme surface water acidity in SW Nova Scotia still ignored in Crown land harvest decisions?

GFE Guidelines

FOREST MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES TO PROTECT NATIVE BIODIVERSITY IN THE GREATER FUNDY ECOSYSTEM Second Edition Greater Fundy Ecosystem Research Group Editors: Matthew Betts and Graham Forbes, 2005. 127 pages. Comprehensive. “The goal of this document is to provide a vision for … Continue reading

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Social Media Posts

‘This page ‘not intended to be comprehensive. Just some items I happen to catch that are worth noting. Begins on Jan 16, 2019, most recent ones at top. Most are on Public Facebook Group pages, &’may require Facebook sign-in to … Continue reading

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A WestFor 5 year plan emerges in Shelburne

It was observed on the Shelburne Municipality council chamber wall. Why are such plans not shared with the public at large? UPDATE Jan 7, 2019: Minister Rankin joins the discussion ——- Shelly Hipson has posted, on the Healthy Forests Coalition … Continue reading

Posted in L&F, Landscape Level Planning, Social Media, Tree Harvests, WestFor | Comments Off on A WestFor 5 year plan emerges in Shelburne