Search Results for: Landscape level planning


Reference to Nutrient Budgeting in the SGEM (Final ed., July, 2021) p. 18 Nutrient sustainability is fundamental to long-term site productivity. Forest harvesting can harm nutrient sustainability if biomass removal rates do not consider site-specific nutrient budgets. Over the last … Continue reading

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Species-at-Risk found on AP068499 Beals Meadow, Nova Scotia, logging paused 27Jan2022

From Extinction Rebellion Mi’kma’ki / Nova Scotia (Public Facebook Page) Jan 26, 2022: (bolding inserted) “Day 56 at the Last Hope camp Good news: a temporary halt has been put on the plan to cut the forest we are protecting … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, Show Us the Science, Social Values, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Species-at-Risk found on AP068499 Beals Meadow, Nova Scotia, logging paused 27Jan2022

AP068499 Beals Meadow

Also view these subpages: – Nina Newington on TRR 1, TRR 2, TRR3 – What it was all about – NRR’s Line in the Sand – Maps – Soil Type – Nutrient Budgeting & This Series of Posts on Logging … Continue reading

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From the Netherlands Re: Harvest Plan AP068499: Beal’s Brook, Nova Scotia 6Jan2022

I saw this letter from Sandy Martin, a Nova Scotian currently living in the Netherlands, posted on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology (Public Group Facebook Page) and messaged Sandy to ask if I could post it, also … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, Citizen Science, Climate Change, Conservation, New PC Government, Social Values, Wabanaki Forest, WestFor | Comments Off on From the Netherlands Re: Harvest Plan AP068499: Beal’s Brook, Nova Scotia 6Jan2022

Please, Prof. Lahey: issue your report on L&F’s progress in implementing your recommendations for Nova Scotia’s forests and forestry 2Sep 2021

There were likely downsides to the Liberals if Prof. Lahey’s “Progress Report” was  published just before the recent provincial election – it’s hard to see how Prof. Lahey could not be highly critical of progress under the Liberal Government in … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, New PC Government | Comments Off on Please, Prof. Lahey: issue your report on L&F’s progress in implementing your recommendations for Nova Scotia’s forests and forestry 2Sep 2021

Pam Baker on the Owls Head Golf Course Supporters’ “Rallying Myth” 10Aug2021

I attended the Owls Head rally in Halifax on Saturday, a very upbeat event. The rally was opened with a prayer of thanksgiving for Mother Earth by Mi’kmaw grandmother Dorene Bernard. The Greens and NDP had reps at the rally, … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, L&F, Landscape Level Planning, Social Values | Comments Off on Pam Baker on the Owls Head Golf Course Supporters’ “Rallying Myth” 10Aug2021

We now have another “FSC” in Nova Scotia forestry 1July2021

Most of us associate the acronym “FSC” with Forest Stewardship Council certification. Recently, the Nova Scotia Forestry Human Resources Sector Council for which “interim management was provided by the executive of Forest Nova Scotia” rebranded itself the Forestry Sector Council … Continue reading

Posted in Forest Certification, Ind Rev Post-Report, Social Values | Comments Off on We now have another “FSC” in Nova Scotia forestry 1July2021

Draft Nova Scotia Forestry EA Process surfaces 21May2021

It appears Talk and Log will continue for another four years after the Lahey Recommendations are implemented Full implementation of the Lahey Recommendations, promised by Iain Rankin before the next election, involves several major components, some of which the public … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F | Comments Off on Draft Nova Scotia Forestry EA Process surfaces 21May2021

“Finding the Mother Tree” – can it change the way we manage our forests in Nova Scotia? 9May2021?

A remarkable story was published this past week: Finding The Mother Tree: Discovering The Wisdom Of The Forest by Suzanne Simard, 368 pages, Published:May 4, 2021, by Penguin Random House. Listed at $Can $34.95 It’s remarkable in many respects: as … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Natural History, Social Values | Comments Off on “Finding the Mother Tree” – can it change the way we manage our forests in Nova Scotia? 9May2021?

In the News 2020

–This page  provides a list of links to news items related to forests and forestry in Nova Scotia beginning Jan 1, 2020 to Dec 31, 2020  as I was able to catch them. For More recent news, see In the … Continue reading

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