Search Results for: biomass

Draft New News Page

This page provides a list of links to news items related to forests and forestry in Nova Scotia as I happen to catch them, beginning Dec 20, 2019. Earlier items, going back to June 11, 2019, can be found under … Continue reading

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Don Wilson: a recent Supreme Court ruling says volumes about the Northern Pulp Mill’s future 18Dec2019

Received today from Don Wilson, who has written many op-eds about NS forestry in Saltwire publications (some cited on NSFN): After the Pulp Mill The Supreme Court of Canada web site has published it’s Dec 6, 2019 decision that says … Continue reading

Posted in Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Don Wilson: a recent Supreme Court ruling says volumes about the Northern Pulp Mill’s future 18Dec2019


New Page Nov 4, 2019 To list articles, links etc related to the ecology & environmental impacts of fire in forests The combustion of sound and rotten coarse woody debris: a review J Hyde et al., in International Journal of … Continue reading

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Mon Oct 28, 2019: Law Amendments Public Hearing on Nova Scotia Sustainable Development Goals Act 27Oct2019

A thorough sham – and shame – of process View Update Oct 29, 2019 Just received: The provincial government quietly posted on their website on Friday afternoon that there is a Law Amendments Hearing for the public, on Monday morning … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia Government issues a RFP – Assessing the Potential for Carbon Offset Credit Generation in Nova Scotia 16Sep2019

The “RFP Particulars” should be made publicly available; we are all stakeholders when it comes to climate change Update (Sep 20, 2019): Nova Scotia asking for input on carbon credit opportunities Stuart Peddle in the Chronicle Herald, Sep 19, 2019 … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Climate Change | Comments Off on Nova Scotia Government issues a RFP – Assessing the Potential for Carbon Offset Credit Generation in Nova Scotia 16Sep2019

Nova Scotia Harvest Plan Map Viewer now specifies % retention 17Aug2019

Addendum on Aug 18, 2019 It’s not multi-age management and it’s not a substitute for implementing Irregular Shelterwood systems as recommended by Lahey and Seymour As of July 18, 2019, L&F made a “minor” update in the HPMV. From the … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, HPMV, Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on Nova Scotia Harvest Plan Map Viewer now specifies % retention 17Aug2019

News Items

This page provides links to news items related to the Report from the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia following its release on Aug 21, 2018 up to Dec. 8, 2018, at least as I was able to … Continue reading

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Irregular Shelterwood

Irregular Shelterwood silviculture figures prominently in the Independent Review as practices that should be adopted in NS. This emphasis reflects strongly the key role of Prof Bob Seymour of the University Maine in the Independent Review (also in the earlier … Continue reading

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Don Wilson on Biodiversity in and for Nova Scotia 27July2019

Monday, July 29, 2019 is the final date for submitting comments on the proposed Biodiversity Act. Don Wilson shares his perspectives on how forestry can be practiced to protect biodiversity in Nova Scotia. L&F conducted a Biodiversity Act Consultation over … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, L&F | Comments Off on Don Wilson on Biodiversity in and for Nova Scotia 27July2019

Nova Scotia Healthy Forest Coalition provides summary/critique of the L&F June 25 meeting 9July2019

“This department could do as much or more than the rest of the Government of Nova Scotia put together to mitigate global warming if it adopted just two policies: (1) recognized that the maintenance of intact forests is one of … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F | Comments Off on Nova Scotia Healthy Forest Coalition provides summary/critique of the L&F June 25 meeting 9July2019