Halifax Councillor requests staff report on plan to address Hemlock Wooly Adelgid threat to Eastern Hemlock in HRM 13Nov2023

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid. “Their name comes from waxy white filaments they make to protect themselves from drying out. In a heavy infestation, hemlock trees can look gray from all the “wool” on twigs and branches. They can’t fly, but are spread by wind and also hitch rides on the feet of birds, which can carry hemlock wooly adelgids for long distances. These “hemlock vampires” were first discovered in 1951 in Virginia, and by 2005 had spread to fifteen other states.
Source: Paul Hetzler, Cornell Cooperative Extension
Photo source: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Bugwood.org

UPDATE Nov 16, 2023: Councillor Morse was asked to include Sandy Lake and Sackville Lake Parks are mentioned in the motion; she agreed, the motion passed unanimously.
Presence of Hemlock Wooly Adelgid, aka the “Hemlock Vampires” in NS was first realized in the summer of 2017 when it was found to be in the southwestern counties Yarmouth, Digby, Shelburne Counties, and shortly thereafter in Queens and Annapolis Cos; it was found in Lunenburg Co. in 2020 (Invasive Species Council Info) HWA was spreading eastward… In August of 2023, HWA was found on a property in Bedford (Halifax Co.) – view post.

In May of this year, NS Environment and Climate Change advertised a position for a “HWA-OGF Coordinator”.

Now HRM Councillor Kathryn Morse is urging HRM (Halifax Regional Municipality) to develop a plan to address the issue locally… Read more on www.versicolor.ca/nstriad

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Sunday Oct 22, 2023: Chebucto Moose Field Meeting

For details, go to www.versicolor.ca/nstriad

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Nova Scotia Forest Notes: a record of goings-on in forests and forestry in Nova Scotia 21Jun2016-21Jun2022

Wabanaki Forest Love Affair Yellow Birch at left, and Eastern Hemlock at right on a mound in old forest by Sandy Lake (Bedford) More about it here.

A new blog/website has been set up at www.versicolor.ca/nstriad which  focuses on the unfolding of the Triad in NS


This blog/website was created on June 21, 2016;  I stopped updating it on June 21, 2022. As such it provides a record of sorts of goings-on related to forests and forestry in Nova Scotia over that interval.

It will be maintained at this URL (nsforestnotes.ca) until July 21, 2024.

The site is archived regularly on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine so by July 2024 all of the material currently on the site will still be in that archive. The website on the archive is essentially a perfect replica of this one – it is searchable,  and can be viewed in different stages of its development.

Items on this blog/website that are posted chronologically are (i) links to news items, found under   In the News and its subpages; and (ii) “posts” (the blog component of the website), found under About this Site/All Posts

I am not leaving the topic of forestry in NS entirely. I have set up a new blog/website at www.versicolor.ca/nstriad which will focus on the unfolding of the Triad in NS over the next few years.  That seems appropriate as nsforestnotes.ca was initiated before the Lahey process  (The Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia) was conceived, and I have followed it for now almost 4 years beyond when the ‘Lahey Report‘ was tabled (Aug 21,  2018).

I post various natural history materials on several websites I currently maintain or contribute to (see www.versicolor.ca).

– david p
(aka JackPine, JackPine22)

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Call for “Hemlock Heroes” in Nova Scotia 15Jun2023

“Hemlock Heroes are trained citizens who volunteer to help save tall, dark hemlock forest ecosystems. Becoming a Hemlock Hero enables you to participate in a great cause to conserve some of the finest old growth forests in the province [Nova Scotia].

“You will help to ensure that eastern hemlocks continue to provide the many essential ecosystem services required to sustain life and the health of many other forest species, as well preserve the extraordinary beauty of hemlocks.”

Currently scheduled training sessions are on Sat June 17, 2023 and Sat June 24, 2023.

Read more on www.medwaycommunityforest.com/

Posted in Conservation, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Call for “Hemlock Heroes” in Nova Scotia 15Jun2023

Forest fires rage in Nova Scotia, Premier bans forest activities, but not those of forestry 1Jun2023

Evening sun, Halifax area on May 28, 2023. Forest fires are raging in the province – See NASA

I just read a letter by Annapolis Valley naturalist Bev Wigney sent yesterday to  Premier Houston and NRR Minister Tory Rushton in which she appeals to them to to “shut down forestry operations completely, with *no loopholes*”.

I  had read yesterday the headline and first few lines in the news about the ban:

‘For God’s sake, stop burning’: N.S. premier bans all activity in forests, urges residents to abide by burn ban (CTV Atlantic news May 31, 2023)… Premier Tim Houston has banned all activity in forests as of Tuesday, and says the wildfire damage is “extensive” and “heartbreaking.”

I  felt encouraged the premier had acted so forcefully in this instance so I wondered if Bev Wigney had made a mistake – the headlines had announced that all activity in forests is banned.

She didn’t.

Read more on www.versicolor.ca/nstriad

Posted in Conservation, Fire, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on Forest fires rage in Nova Scotia, Premier bans forest activities, but not those of forestry 1Jun2023

Nova Scotia NRR looking for “Director of Resource Stewardship” 27May2023

Some  extracts from indeed.com advert:

Screen Capture from advert on ca.indeed.com. Click on image to go to source page

Department: Natural Resources & Renewables
Location: HALIFAX
Type of Employment: Permanent
Union Status: Exclusion – Non Union – NSPG
Closing Date: 6/9/2023 (Applications are accepted until 11:59 PM Atlantic Time)

Read more on www.versicolor.ca/nstraid

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Nova Scotia Environment & Climate Change looking for HWA-OGF Coordinator 9May2023

Graphic on the Protected Areas page for the Margaree River Wilderness Area

Extracts from the Advert on ca.indeed.com

Competition # : 39024
Department: Environment and Climate Change
Location: HALIFAX
Type of Employment: Term
Union Status: NSGEU – NSPG
Closing Date: 5/17/2023
Salary Range: $2,074.62 – $3,215.50 Bi-Weekly

Read more on www.versicolor.ca/nstriad

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More updates from Nova Scotia NRR including Triad info. on Harvest Plan Map Viewer 27Apr2023

Received from Forestry Maps today:

New Map Legend

The Harvest Plans Map Viewer is receiving an update to its legend that aligns with the Department’s continued work towards the implementation of Ecological Forestry on Crown lands.

The updated legend, shown below, has two (2) new prescriptions categories.  The first prescription category is “Research Trial” and the second is “Final Felling”.

The “Research Trail” prescription (seen as red in the legend) applies to proposed harvest areas that will be established to support continuing forest management research objectives on Crown lands. For more information about research conducted by the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, you are encouraged to read more here: Biodiversity Conservation and Forestry Technical Report Series | novascotia.ca .

Read More on www.versicolor.ca/nstriad

Posted in Triad | Comments Off on More updates from Nova Scotia NRR including Triad info. on Harvest Plan Map Viewer 27Apr2023

Some Ecological Landscape Analysis & Other Updates from Nova Scotia Natural Resources & Renewables 24Apr2023

A new interactive map  – the Ecological Landscape Analysis Report Finder – conveys a lot of useful information. An updated  Forest Development Stage Layer on the Provincial Landscape Viewer appeared to introduce some significant errors for a site I have been monitoring;  NRR is working to address such errors.

Nina Newington passed on this info she received recently from Peter Bush (Old-Growth Forest Coordinator, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables)…

Read more on www.versicolor.ca/nstriad 

Posted in Natural Resources & Renewables | Comments Off on Some Ecological Landscape Analysis & Other Updates from Nova Scotia Natural Resources & Renewables 24Apr2023

Soils, Restoring Forests on Abandoned Farmland, Invasive Plants, Agroforestry, & the Forest Triad in SW Nova Scotia 15Apr2023

Soils, Restoring Forests on Abandoned Farmland, Invasive Plants, Agroforestry, & the Forest Triad are amongst  a range of topics covered in the latest issue of the Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve Newsletter.

I think most of us are aware that SW Nova Scotia has a high level of biodiversity and a rich cultural heritage, but the special status of the area as a “Biosphere Reserve” is not so well known. Read more at www.versicolor.ca/nstraid

Posted in Climate Change, Conservation | Comments Off on Soils, Restoring Forests on Abandoned Farmland, Invasive Plants, Agroforestry, & the Forest Triad in SW Nova Scotia 15Apr2023