“At least 8 arrests have happened in Moose Country” – XR Nova Scotia 15Dec2020

Blockade started on Oct 21 ends 55 days later with arrests & a new campout begins at Grand Parade in Kjipuktuk/Halifax

Extinction Rebellion Nova Scotia photo. Santa apparently an innocent bystander

From XR Nova Scotia, circa 4 pm:

“At least 8 arrests have happened in Moose Country! These brave forest/moose protectors have been filling the void as our provincial government shamefully thumbs a nose at the Species at Risk Act (among others) and now these folks are being charged with contempt of court, when the Liberal government should be held to task for allowing the destruction of the mainland moose habitat for ignoring the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia’s decision! Shame on our government!” Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Landscape Level Planning, Social Media, Social Values, WestFor | Comments Off on “At least 8 arrests have happened in Moose Country” – XR Nova Scotia 15Dec2020

39 years ago Digby East Fish and Game petitioned Nova Scotia Government not to build roads into moose lands now accessed by WestFor 15Dec2020

A document that sat “in a filing cabinet for almost 40 years” has come to light recently, and reveals the historic concern about protecting mainland moose and more broadly, our “last interior wilderness” in SW Nova Scotia. View post by Bev Wigney on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology (Public Facebook Group), or here

WestFor has finally made a statement responding to public concern about moose.
View Forest harvest and mainland moose in Digby County, NS, posted on SestFor website yesterday (Dec 14, 2020). It begins Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, WestFor, Wildlife | Comments Off on 39 years ago Digby East Fish and Game petitioned Nova Scotia Government not to build roads into moose lands now accessed by WestFor 15Dec2020

The modest expectations of Northern Pulp one year later 13Dec2021

As we approach the one year anniversary of the Province’s decision to keep it’s promise to close Boat Harbour as scheduled, a reminder from Northern Pulp’s parent co., Paper Excellence:

Northern Pulp is safe from its creditors for another five months…The Nova Scotian taxpayer is its largest secured creditor – holding about $86 million in loans to five companies associated with the Pictou County Pulp Mill…

That $50 million pot set up by Northern Pulp’s parent company, upon which it has already drawn $15 million, comes with strings attached. The money is being provided in the form of advances based upon the following milestones being reached by December 2022.

  • An environmental approval to build a replacement effluent treatment plant
  • An agreement with the province to help fund its design and construction.
  • A court decision or negotiated settlement with the province paying lost profits and damages associated with the idling of the kraft pulp mill.

From Court extends Northern Pulp creditor protection
Aaron Beswick in the Journal Pioneer Dec 12, 2020

Read more in the Journal Pioneer

A letter to Santa Claus, perhaps. I hope he no longer resides in NS.

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“What the morrow brings”: WestFor applies for injunction to stop Moose Protectors 10Dec2020

Now it is up to God, apparently, to Protect the Mainland Moose and the Moose Protectors – our government is not about to do so. 

UPDATE: N.S. judge issues temporary injunction against forestry protest aimed at protecting mainland moose habitat
By Michael Tutton The Canadian Press on CTV News DEC 11, 2020
UPDATE Dec 11, 2020. 7 pm: The Injunction was served this afternoon.
From the Front Line:

UPDATE: WestFor asks for injunction to remove protesters concerned about endangered moose
Emma Smith, Phlis McGregor · CBC News Dec 10, 2020

Shared on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology (Public Facebook Group) late yesterday Evening

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Nature Nova Scotia on Moose Observations and Forestry in Kespu’ktwik 9Dec2020

Map by Shanni Bee, Conservation GIS Specialist
Click on image for larger version
Please note:
– This map brings together the work of several over the past few weeks. The volunteers collected observations and reviewed data to determine which areas should be protected as core habitat for Mainland Moose.
– This “Public Version Map” has locations purposefully skewed, making it of zero use to poachers, but still providing a powerful illustration of why it is so important to protect certain areas if we wish to halt the further decline of the Mainland Moose population due to habitat destruction

& The NatureNS petition  launched just 2 weeks ago now has 23,716 signees

December 4, 2020
Hon. Derek Mombourquette
Department of Lands and Forestry
3rd Floor, Founders Square
1701 Hollis St.
PO Box 698
Halifax, NS B3J 2T9

Dear Mr. Mombourquette,
Re: Species at Risk Mainland Moose
After conferring with a number of knowledgeable local citizens, including First Nations peoples, we have created the attached map of known mainland moose areas in western Nova Scotia. This is an endangered species.

Nature Nova Scotia respectfully requests that Crown (public) land areas within the 60² km zones delineated on this map be excluded immediately from any even-aged harvesting that is currently underway, or being planned.

Current provisions to protect mainland moose and their habitats are simply inadequate. Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, L&F, Landscape Level Planning, Social Values | Comments Off on Nature Nova Scotia on Moose Observations and Forestry in Kespu’ktwik 9Dec2020

& On Stop Clearcutting Cape Breton: “Follow the new logging roads” 30Nov2020

A new Forest Watch group – Stop Clearcutting Cape Breton – emerged recently. A Public Facebook Group, it is A place for people from Cape Breton and the surrounding area to organize and share information related to the alarming rate of clearcutting happening on public lands in our region.

Reads the latest post, by Admin Adam J Malcolm:

“3121+ acres of crown land on the hills separating Marble Mountain from River Denys. Follow the new logging roads. Not terribly hard to tell what the plan is for this forest…These hills are drained through streams lined by some of the last truly old remnant hemlock forests I know of in the province outside of a national park.”

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“What will it take to get the Nova Scotia Government to obey its own Environmental Laws?” 29Nov2020

Nova Scotia Forest Protectors show up in numbers to stand in solidarity with the Moose Country Blockade.

“What will it take for the Ministry of Lands and Forests to acknowledge our presence and respond to our requests for a meeting?

“What will it take to get the NS Government to obey its own Environmental Laws (as was ordered by the NS Supreme Court?)?”

– Rob Bright on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology (Public Facebook Group)

Photos by Betty Wright, shared on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology (Public Facebook Group)

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Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F, Social Media, Social Values, Wildlife | Comments Off on “What will it take to get the Nova Scotia Government to obey its own Environmental Laws?” 29Nov2020

Irregular Shelterwood harvests still largely experimental on Crown lands 2+ years post Lahey Report 26Nov2020

From R. Seymour, Section 2.4 Ecologically Based Multi-Aged Silviculture in the Acadian Forest, in Research Addendum to A Natural Balance: Working Toward Nova Scotia’s Natural Resources Strategy 2010

UPDATE Nov 30, 2020:
In spite of the very limited practice of Irregular Shelterwood silviculture on Crown lands to date, Iain Rankin says “the new Forest Management Guide will result in the most substantive stand level changes in the matrix forest, and the work of the project team (with co-author Bob Seymour) has been very thorough. The Guide should be ready for implementation, in the next calendar year, after the public consultation period ends. It will shift the vast majority of prescriptions away from the single-aged clearcutting approach, to irregular shelterwood.”

Why am I skeptical that will happen any time soon? Well perhaps it will, but only after L&F/Big Forestry have staked out their High Production Forestry sites on the best remaining Crown forest so there is no slowdown in the clearcutting.
Original Post
Irregular Shelterwood silviculture figured prominently in the the Lahey Report as practices that should be adopted in NS (also in the 2010 Natural Resources Strategy).

Yet 2+ years after the Lahey Report was submitted, this prescription remains a minor and not-reported-component of harvests on Crown land forests.

I sent the following question to Forestry Maps on Oct 16, 2020

On the HPMV, Irregular Shelterwoods, called for in the Lahey Review, are not shown as a category.

Are any of the ‘Shelterwoods’ shown in recent postings Irregular Shelterwoods?

Can you give me some examples?


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Posted in clearcuts, HPMV, Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F | Comments Off on Irregular Shelterwood harvests still largely experimental on Crown lands 2+ years post Lahey Report 26Nov2020

Nature Nova Scotia launches petition to halt clearcutting in area of SW Nova Scotia where Mainland Moose occur 24Nov2020

The petition to Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry was initiated by Nature Nova Scotia, the organization that led the legally successful lawsuit to require L&F to enforce the Endangered Species Act.

It seems L&F is still stonewalling.

In the meantime, a committed group of Nova Scotians/Extinction Rebellion NS has set up a blockade to stop logging and are determined to stay there until definite action is taken to stop the clearcutting in moose habitat.

So far there has been no response – view Blockade continues to stop Digby County clearcuts by Joan Baxter in the Halifax Examiner, Nov 24, 2020. “Moose habitat protectors still waiting for word from the Department of Lands and Forestry – or is it the Department of Silence?”

and Double-pronged clearcutting protest results in two arrests at government office, by Francis Campbell in the Chronicle Herald Nov 24, 2020. “They gave us clear warning that they were going to arrest us,” said Eleanor of the Extinction Rebellion group. Eleanor, who preferred not to have her last name used, said the four were sitting on the floor outside the office and asked to speak to Minister Derek Mombourquette but were told he wasn’t in. They then said they would leave peacefully if the minister would call Nina Newington, spokeswoman for the Extinction Rebellion group that is blocking access for logging equipment in Digby County but were told by reception that they didn’t have the minister’s contact number. Eleanor said she was handcuffed and dragged down the hall, to the elevator and through the building atrium to a police car… ”

Is it really that difficult to talk to people?

Please see the petition (http://chng.it/tKkvKNhTVT) for additional details.

View Moose Search for related items on NS Forest Notes, In the News for recent items in the news and Social Media Posts for some of the buzz – and action – via Social Media

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Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, L&F, Social Media, Social Values | Comments Off on Nature Nova Scotia launches petition to halt clearcutting in area of SW Nova Scotia where Mainland Moose occur 24Nov2020

Bob Bancroft on the Sad Plain Truth about Nova Scotia L&F ‘s management of our Endangered Mainland Moose 19Oct2020

Thus letter from Bob Bancroft was shared on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology Nov 18, 2020

LETTER::: This is a letter from Bob Bancroft – biologist and president of Nature Nova Scotia – to Bob Petrie, Director of Wildlife for the NS Department of Lands and Forestry. I have Bob Bancroft’s permission to post his letter here for our group. Thanks to Bob for continuing to stand up for wildlife in this province. – Bev W

November 17, 2020
Dear Bob,

I’m writing you again after spending several days on Crown land in western NS where large clear-cutting is either taking place, or about to take place, and where moose are present. I spoke with and interviewed a number of well-informed citizens who outlined traditional moose areas on my NS Map Book and other places where they had seen moose that were recently displaced by harvest activities. I saw moose tracks myself.
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Posted in Conservation, L&F, Social Media, Social Values, Wildlife | Comments Off on Bob Bancroft on the Sad Plain Truth about Nova Scotia L&F ‘s management of our Endangered Mainland Moose 19Oct2020