Category Archives: Show Us the Science

Naturalists question the science of sustainable forestry in Nova Scotia

“The Conservation Committee of the Halifax Field Naturalists has prepared a document commenting on the impacts of forestry in Nova Scotia on conservation of biodiversity and asking questions about the underlying science.” View: – Questions about forestry science forwarded to … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Ecosystem Services, NSDNR, Parks & Protected Areas, Selection Harvest, Show Us the Science, Wildlife | Leave a comment

Liberal MLA asks for review of Nova Scotia forest practices

MLA Joachim Stroink (Halifax Chebucto) posted a letter he wrote to Nova Scotia Natural Resources Minister Lloyd Hines: ….I have heard from my constituents about the importance of protecting our forests. They have specific concerns about the sustainability of our … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Independent Review, Recreation, Show Us the Science, Wildlife | Leave a comment

What’s wrong with clearcutting?

To be more specific: Whats wrong with clearcutting the Acadian Forest in Nova Scotia? Outside of Nova Scotia, apparently, “we spend 80 to 150 years growing a tree in Canada – some of the longest growth rates in the world”… … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Ecosystem Services, NSDNR, Selection Harvest, Show Us the Science, Social Values | Leave a comment

Hines on “listening tour” of SW Nova Scotia

“We were talking about harvest methods, what the WestFor existence means to the area, and generally the state of the industry too” but, according to the article “When asked who approached who regarding the creation of the lease, Hines said … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, NSDNR, Show Us the Science, WestFor | Leave a comment

Editorials and letters about forestry in Nova Scotia, continued..4Mar2017

The back and forth on Forests and Forestry in Nova Scotia was prominent in the Saturday CH. Mike Parker, who kicked off the Show us the Science series, cautions that we “Don’t listen to industry reassurances”. He “searched out a … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Letters&Editorials, Show Us the Science, WestFor | Leave a comment

Editorials and letters about forestry in Nova Scotia, continued..11 & 21 Feb,2017

Issues with maps, databases and penetrating NSDNR’s “Specialized Skills Firewall” UPDATE Feb 23, 2017: View Op-ed by Bob Bancroft Public forests should not be private resource (CH Feb 21, 2017), in which he responds to Marcus Zwicker’s Op-ed, cited below. … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Letters&Editorials, NSDNR, Show Us the Science, WestFor | Leave a comment

Feds’ Satellite Forest Monitoring Map illustrates intensity of forest harvesting in Nova Scotia

Nova Scotian forests appear to be the most intensively harvested in Canada, recently and historically – on the poorest soils The Canadian Forest Service of Natural Resources Canada, in partnership with University of British Columbia, and support from the Canadian … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Show Us the Science | Leave a comment

Subsidizing industrial forestry in Nova Scotia, continued?

Word on the Street has it that the Liberal government is about to announce big forestry changes and that the troops are being asked to prepare for public backlash. I would like to think the changes finally put an end … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Economics, NSDNR, Pulp & Paper, Show Us the Science, WestFor | Leave a comment

How much forestry in Nova Scotia maintains mixed, multi-aged Acadian forest?

Not much View ADDENDUM (Jan 24, 2016) According to NSDNR, mixed, multiaged Acadian forests are the natural regimes on 51% of our landbase: Infrequent and/or gap disturbance regimes are dominant on 51% of the landbase and develop forest associations typical … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, NSDNR, Selection Harvest, Show Us the Science | Leave a comment

What’s a clearcut and what’s not a clearcut in Nova Scotia?

The answer depends on who you ask. Beginning in October of 2014, NSDNR has posted on its Harvest Operation Maps “maps on a county-by-county basis, that indicate where harvesting [on Crown land] will take place and what harvesting method will … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, NSDNR, Show Us the Science | Leave a comment