Category Archives: Private Woodlots

Dale Prest: Open Up NS Cap & Trade to accommodate forest carbon capture

Dale Prest has highlighted a key change needed in Nova Scotia’s recently announced plan to adopt Cap and Trade: “Prest says the province needs to implement the right cap-and-trade system, one that openly trades with markets in Ontario, Quebec and … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Economics, Private Woodlots | Leave a comment

Softwood lumber trade on the block again

“The last softwood lumber deal expired Oct. 12, 2015. The subsequent one-year litigation standstill period ended at midnight. Now the American lumber industry could file a petition with the U.S. Department of Commerce as early as Thursday morning” [that apparently … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, Private Woodlots, softwood lumber | Leave a comment

More options for the private woodlot owners – and our forests

An article in the CH today highlights a new Nova Scotian business called Woodscamp, which offers “an online marketplace for landowners and loggers” Co-owner Allistair Jarvis comments: “One of the things that characterizes those exchanges [between a private woodlot owner … Continue reading

Posted in Private Woodlots, Woodscamp | Leave a comment