Category Archives: Independent Review

Some reservations about The Report on the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia

I have expressed my basic support for the report as a whole, however is not a “free pass” on the whole report. Sooner or later we will have to deal with the reality that two Pulp Mills (perhaps not even … Continue reading

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Questions and comments on WWNS about sustainability of current wood harvesting in Nova Scotia following Report from the Independent Review

For the Record, some recent discussions on Woods and Waters Nova Scotia (Facebook page) are replicated below. These are verbatim copies except that I have replaced full names with initials, which has been my practice when replicating discussions from WWNS. … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review, Private Woodlots, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on Questions and comments on WWNS about sustainability of current wood harvesting in Nova Scotia following Report from the Independent Review

All quiet on The Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia for now

Overall, I think the people who have been concerned about the State of Nova Scotia’s forests should be happy, very happy, with the Report, and urge MLAs to support the recommendations. The big questions right now: Will there be a … Continue reading

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Report from the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia released

Prof Lahey has set a high standard for further discourse about our forests and forestry Independent Review News Updates: View Independent Review for News Items following release of the Report. ————- Aug 21, 2018 Post The Report from the Independent … Continue reading

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Report from Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia to be released Tues Aug 21, 2018

Received by e-mail: “University of King’s College president Bill Lahey will release his independent review of Nova Scotia forest practices on Tuesday, Aug. 21 at 11 a.m. “The event will take place in the Media Room, One Government Place, 1700 … Continue reading

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While we wait for the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia, Lands & Forestry on the Hire

I hesitate to add the latest rumour about when the Report from the Independent Review will materialize, now it looks as though the last rumoured date (sometime this week) is likely to be untrue. In the meantime, NS Lands and … Continue reading

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Rumoured release date for release of the Report on the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia: week of Aug 13, 2018

As I said, a rumour. It’s been circulating for several days now with no confirmation or denial from the Independent Review.

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Speculation mounts while we wait for the Report on the Independent Review of Forestry Practices in Nova Scotia

Kingsley Brown thinks the Report will recommend FSC certification, already implemented by many private woodlot owners, as the key to moving ahead, and expresses disdain for “the public’s unwarranted negativity” about forestry in Nova Scotia. But even FSC has a … Continue reading

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Independent Review of Forestry Practices in Nova Scotia issues a “Process Update”

As reported on the website for the Independent Review of Forestry Practices: Process Update: July 9, 2018 Professor Lahey has received feedback on the draft report from legal advisors in international law and is in the process, with his team, … Continue reading

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Premier McNeil cites conflict of interest issue as a reason for change in DNR Minister – will the same reasoning apply to top level DNR bureaucrats?

Along with the recent cabinet shuffle, the Department of Natural Resources was split into two departments: Energy and Mines, and Lands and Forestry, apparently reflecting the government’s desire “to focus more of its attention on the province’s mining and forestry … Continue reading

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