Category Archives: Conservation

From the Netherlands Re: Harvest Plan AP068499: Beal’s Brook, Nova Scotia 6Jan2022

I saw this letter from Sandy Martin, a Nova Scotian currently living in the Netherlands, posted on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology (Public Group Facebook Page) and messaged Sandy to ask if I could post it, also … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, Citizen Science, Climate Change, Conservation, New PC Government, Social Values, Wabanaki Forest, WestFor | Comments Off on From the Netherlands Re: Harvest Plan AP068499: Beal’s Brook, Nova Scotia 6Jan2022

2021 Mainland Moose Recovery Plan excludes Chebucto Peninsula from areas of Core Habitat management 5Jan2021

Summary Summary Historically moose in the the Bowater-Mersey St. Margarets Bay lands  were considered contiguous with the population on the Chebucto Peninsula  and  together formed  one of the four Core Population Areas recognized in 2012. The 2021 Mainland Moose Recovery … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Landscape Level Planning, Wildlife | Comments Off on 2021 Mainland Moose Recovery Plan excludes Chebucto Peninsula from areas of Core Habitat management 5Jan2021

Newly established Nova Scotia Working Woodlands Trust fills a void in land conservation 15Dec2021

Some really Good News for the Wabanaki Forest, private landowners and all of us in Nova Scotia: the Medway Community Forest Cooperative announces a new Land Trust that will allow working woodlot owners with a commitment to long-term, ecologically oriented … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Private Woodlots, Social Values, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Newly established Nova Scotia Working Woodlands Trust fills a void in land conservation 15Dec2021

Comments on the draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy: Nina Newington from tent in storm 7Dec2021

Received from Nina Newington in an e-mail dated 5.40 a.m. Dec 7, 2021 (bolding inserted): Done in haste from tent in storm but done… Old Growth Forest Policy Comment by Nina Newington Little time was allowed for comment on this … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen Science, Conservation, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, Ind Rev Post-Report, Indigenous Peoples, Mi'kmaq, New PC Government, Old Growth, Parks & Protected Areas, WestFor | Tagged | Comments Off on Comments on the draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy: Nina Newington from tent in storm 7Dec2021

On the draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy: Some of what others are saying 6Dec2021

From Nature Nova Scotia, Dec 1, 2021: Naturalists Respond to Draft Old Forest Policy The Nova Scotia government released the draft “Old-Growth Forest Policy for Nova Scotia” last month, asking Nova Scotians to give their feedback on proposed updates. This … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, Old Growth, Parks & Protected Areas | Comments Off on On the draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy: Some of what others are saying 6Dec2021

Comment 2 on the draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy: on the significance of historic blowdowns and Pit and Mound topography 5Dec2021

SUMMARY There are many old forest stands in Nova Scotia that developed following blowdown of Old Growth in the Saxby Gale (1869) and the Nova Scotia storm (1871) and thus have maximum possible ages today circa 140 years, the age … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biophilia, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Natural History, Old Growth | Comments Off on Comment 2 on the draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy: on the significance of historic blowdowns and Pit and Mound topography 5Dec2021

The draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy is weak on conservation of old forest species 1Dec2021

Curiously, in the new policy document , conservation of old forest biodiversity is not explicitly cited in the text as a goal, while it is an explicit goal in the existing (2012) policy. In practice,  both  the 2012  policy and … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, Ecosystem Services, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, New PC Government | Comments Off on The draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy is weak on conservation of old forest species 1Dec2021

Nina Newington to Law Amendments Committee on Bill 57: The climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis are intertwined 1Nov2021

Update, Nov 3, 2021 – Presenter says government needs ‘courage to lead’ on environmental bill Michael Gorman · CBC News Nov 2, 2021 “While the Tory environment bill was lauded by most, all agreed it must go further” – N.S. … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Conservation, New PC Government, Parks & Protected Areas, Social Values | Comments Off on Nina Newington to Law Amendments Committee on Bill 57: The climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis are intertwined 1Nov2021

Good News for Nova Scotia’s Endangered Mainland Moose: “Cutting has stopped in the Rocky Point Lake. All the logging equipment has been pulled out” – XRNS 31Oct2021

UPDATE NOV 9, 2021: Unfortunately, it is NOT good news in the end: – Crown land considered habitat for endangered moose has been clear cut (audio) CBC Info AM, Nov 9, 2020 “In Digby County, Crown land between the Silver … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Mi'kmaq, Social Values, WestFor | Comments Off on Good News for Nova Scotia’s Endangered Mainland Moose: “Cutting has stopped in the Rocky Point Lake. All the logging equipment has been pulled out” – XRNS 31Oct2021

Nova Scotia Healthy Forest Coalition calls for Immediate Halt to Logging Operations in Moose Habitat at Rocky Point Lake 29Oct2021

Received today (Oct 29, 2021) from HFC: The HFC Demands Immediate Halt to Logging Operations in Moose Habitat at Rocky Point LakeLogging has begun near Rocky Point Lake in the New France area of Digby County. Over six hundred and … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Indigenous Peoples, Landscape Level Planning, Mi'kmaq, Social Values | Comments Off on Nova Scotia Healthy Forest Coalition calls for Immediate Halt to Logging Operations in Moose Habitat at Rocky Point Lake 29Oct2021