Category Archives: clearcuts

“it is very poor land, very poor quality wood, its best function would be to just leave it alone”

So said an observer about Crown Land cut QU068046: A few days ago I sent an e-mail…regarding a clear cut section of the above cut number… I previously had a discussion with them that when this cut takes place to … Continue reading

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“It’s not all industrial strength clearcutting and biomass devastation out there”

So reads an introduction by Woods and Waters Nova Scotia (public Facebook group) to a message and photos forwarded from a worker for a woodlot in Upper Rawdon, N.S. “I work for a woodlot owner co-op that manages this lot … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Private Woodlots | Comments Off on “It’s not all industrial strength clearcutting and biomass devastation out there”

Game sanctuaries still fair game for industrial forestry and miners

An article in the Chronicle Herald today provides some of the history of our Game Sanctuaries and highlights the fact that except where they overlap with formally protected lands, clearcutting and mining can still take place; hunting and trapping cannot.* … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Gold Mining, Parks & Protected Areas | Comments Off on Game sanctuaries still fair game for industrial forestry and miners

Loon Lake clearcuts continue, illustrate lack of landscape level planning

The conflict over clearcutting in Nova Scotia could hardly be presented more graphically than in the poster above, which I just received. In May I posted an item about proposed clearcuts near the Loon Lake Nature Reserve in Guysborough Co. … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Conservation, Loon Lake, Parks & Protected Areas | Comments Off on Loon Lake clearcuts continue, illustrate lack of landscape level planning

Saturday responses to Black, continued…Feb 10, 2018

Bill Black went for a repeat of his anti-tree hugger performance (Black Jan 20) with his reference to a ‘tight-knit posse of activists’ in last Saturdays BLACK: How can rural N.S. prosper without resource extraction? (CH, Feb 3, 2018) Writes … Continue reading

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Will our governments enable Forest Smart, Climate Smart and Dollar Smart opportunities for private woodlot owners in Atlantic Canada?

New Brunswick based Forest International’s efforts to promote carbon offsets as an income generator for private woodlot owners in Atlantic Canada is featured in the business section of today’s Chronicle Herald. Atlantic Canada’s woodlot owners could benefit from the growing … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Economics, Independent Review | Comments Off on Will our governments enable Forest Smart, Climate Smart and Dollar Smart opportunities for private woodlot owners in Atlantic Canada?

Bancroft on the real costs and dismal returns to Nova Scotians of running the PHP biomass plant 24/7

It had been rumoured that the PHP Biomass plant had returned to 24/7 operation. Now Bob Bancroft confirms that we are back at it, burning 50 to 60 tractor-trailer loads of wood per day to generate electricity at 21% efficiency… … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biomass, clearcuts, Conservation, Independent Review | Comments Off on Bancroft on the real costs and dismal returns to Nova Scotians of running the PHP biomass plant 24/7

Saturday Forestry, continued… Feb 3, 2018: how much displacement of our natural world is acceptable?

Saturday’s Chronicle Herald again carries several items on the forestry/resources front. First in clear contrast to PC leadership hopeful John Lohr, Pictou County Conservative MLA Tim Houston “is calling for an increased level of ministerial scrutiny of a proposed wastewater … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Gold Mining, Independent Review, Mining, Parks & Protected Areas, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Saturday Forestry, continued… Feb 3, 2018: how much displacement of our natural world is acceptable?

Bill Black’s stop-hugging-trees comments pushed a few buttons

I don’t know if it was Bill Black who came up with the headline or the Chronicle Heralds, but predictably BLACK: Let’s stop hugging trees, start embracing industry (CH Jan 20, 2018) generated a lot of response. In the text, … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Social Values | Comments Off on Bill Black’s stop-hugging-trees comments pushed a few buttons

Planning ahead for Industrial forestry in Nova Scotia: allowing bigger trucks on our roads

Updated Jan 29, 2018 Things may be on hold in SW Nova Scotia awaiting the recommendations of the Independent Review but the government and Forest NS are not treading water when it comes to paving the roads for industrial forestry … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Economics, Independent Review | Comments Off on Planning ahead for Industrial forestry in Nova Scotia: allowing bigger trucks on our roads