Prof.Lahey’s Independent Evaluation of the FPR was released Nov 30, 2021. Click on image to go to view it. He urged the department to appoint a person committed to ecological forestry to the vacant statutory position of the province’s Chief Forester.
In the past week, there have been ads posted for 3 upper level positions at NRR, so far no reference to Ecological Forestry vis a vis key Lahey recommendation. Now a 4th, focussed directly on forestry and wildlife – and still no specific mention of Ecological Forestry so it’s not clear if there might yet been an advert for “a person committed to ecological forestry to [be appointed to] the vacant statutory position of the province’s Chief Forester” as recommended by Prof Lahey.
From jobs.novascotia.ca:
Executive Director, Forestry and Wildlife
Competition # : 34403
Department: Natural Resources & Renewables
Location: HALIFAX
Type of Employment: Permanent
Union Status: Exclusion – Non Union – NSPG
Closing Date: 2/25/2022
Some of the primary accountabilities in this role include:
– Leading and directing the functioning of the Forestry and Wildlife Branch in line with government and departmental strategic plans and priorities; developing and implementing strategic plans which link program and service delivery to broad policy objectives.
– Developing practical long-term directions for policies and services within the branch and positions, and re-orients the organization to meet emerging trends and to achieve objectives.
– Coordinating all aspects of forest resource management implementation on Crown lands through legal and partnership agreements with the Mi’kmaq, forest sector stakeholders and private landowners.
– Mediating, negotiating and/or providing decision support to resolve conflicts, complaints and problems expected in a large, diversified program which directly affects all living wild species and ecosystems, resource sector industries, thousands of private woodlot owners, and many Nova Scotians.
– Providing support and program development for economic development and trade in the forest sector and coordinating with the Intergovernmental Affairs department on all forest product trade issues.
In this role you will report to the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources & Renewables.
Read more on jobs.novascotia.ca