Day 59 at Last Hope Wildlife Corridor encampment in Nova Scotia 31Jan2022

Clear thinking amidst the chaos of  the third intense winter storm in less than a month

From a post on Extinction Rebellion Mi’kma’ki / Nova Scotia (public FB page) Jan 29, 2022 (bolding inserted):

Day 59 at Last Hope camp

This is the third intense storm in less than a month. We know that weather is not the same as climate, but we also know now that climate change is making severe weather of all sorts more likely. The climate is wobbling. Patterns are changing so fast that plants and animals do not have time to adapt. Cycles are going out of sync. The wheels are coming off the bus.

We know what we have to do. Slash fossil fuel use now. Protect and restore natural systems. Build resilience. But will we do it? This provincial government, like so many other governments, either does not grasp the urgency of the situation or is unwilling to act.

Instead of protecting remaining havens of biodiversity in the province, the government continues to green light cutting down forests as if nothing has changed. As if we don’t need the best carbon storage technology we have: intact natural forests. As if forests and soils will tolerate more cycles of abuse. But one thing is clear. Between windstorms and droughts, flooding and fire, invasive pests and soil acidification, the forests that are being cut down now can’t be counted on to grow back.

Business as usual is over, if we want a livable planet. That’s why we are camped out here through blizzards and frigid temperatures. To save the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor, yes, but also to say enough is enough. We must save what we can so that nature has a chance. So that humanity has a chance.”


For some background, view AP068499 Beals Meadow

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