Nova Scotia Crown lands Harvest Plan announcements: changes reflecting ‘Lahey’ introduced 3Feb2022

An example of the new reporting on the HPMV, accessed today (Feb 3, 2022)

Received today (Feb 3, 2022) from together with the latest list of new announcements:

“The Harvest Plans Map Viewer is receiving an update to its legend that aligns with the Department’s continued work towards implementation of the Nova Scotia Silvicultural Guide for the Ecological Matrix (SGEM), which was released July 2021 and only applies to Acadian forest ecosites, at this time.

“The updated legend, shown below, includes all merchantable silviculture prescriptions found within the SGEM. The Variable Retention prescription has been retained on the legend to allow for proposed plans posted within Maritime Boreal ecosites which continue to use the Forest Management Guide (2018) and Interim Retention Guide to determine the prescription.

“Additionally, when “Open for Comment” polygons are selected, and the detailed information text box appears, the specific SGEM prescription will be visible as well as the corresponding ecosite group which distinguishes between Acadian or Maritime Boreal. To learn more about the difference between these distinct ecological units we encourage you to visit: Ecosites.pdf (

“As of January 31, 2022, all proposed plans posted within an Acadian ecosite on the HPMV will be SGEM prescriptions.

“Forestry Maps
Department Natural Resources and Renewables (HPMV website)”

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