Celebrating spring in the Acadian Forest in Nova Scotia

spring forest Three short videos celebrate spring in our forests and offer some interesting insights.

Treasures Of The Old Forest
Produced in 2005 by Avalon & Meguma Natural History Films. “Precious as jewels, fleeting as snow-flakes, yet ancient as the forest itself, these are the wildflowers of the Acadian forest. The trillium, the spring beauty, the bloodroot and lady slipper, once as abundant as the songbirds – now driven to the far recesses of their range. A priceless inheritance many Maritimers may never see, truly, the Treasures of the Old Forest”.

Nature recording-The Acadian Forest, Wild Earth Voices
By Mark Brennan, published Jan 8, 2013. “A short film on the soundscape release, Peskowesk, by Wild Earth Voices which takes you on a journey, in the Early Spring, through the sounds of the Acadian Forest of Nova Scotia.”

Into the Woods: The Beginning of Spring
The first of Cliff Seruntine’s Into the Woods series, this video just posted (Mar 21, 2017) takes “a look at how winter helps Maritime forests transition from soft to hardwood and immerse in the first hints of spring upon a frozen landscape.”

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