Search Results for: Map Viewer

Procedure for approving harvests on Nova Scotia Crown lands now outlined on the HPMV

The covering web page for the Harvest Plan Map Viewer (HPMV) has been modified recently, and now outlines the overall process for approving harvests on Crown land. It involves four steps: Step 1. The Crown land Licensee develops proposed harvest … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, HPMV, NSDNR, Show Us the Science | Leave a comment

More cutting near protected areas in Nova Scotia, now the Tobeatic

Landscape level planning for biodiversity conservation appears to be lacking in Crown land harvest decisions A CBC story describes how “a proposed clearcut near Nova Scotia’s largest protected wilderness [the Tobeatic Protected Wilderness Area] is worrying environmentalists and nearby residents … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Parks & Protected Areas, Show Us the Science | Leave a comment

Wasted Wood on Crown land in eastern Nova Scotia

A video speaks volumes. “While out exploring the woods roads north of Isaac’s Harbour on August 8 I discovered huge piles of hardwood cut and stockpiled along the road. I estimate that there is between 2500 and 3000 cord piled … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Conservation, Forest Certification, NSDNR | Leave a comment

Show us the science behind clearcuts on Crown land close to the pending Shingle Lake Nature Reserve, Nova Scotia

Clearcutting close to the pending Shingle Lake Nature Reserve illustrates transparency issues & raises questions about landscape level planning for biodiversity conservation in Crown land harvest decisions This is a lengthy post, so I am inserting a Summary & Table … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, NSDNR, Parks & Protected Areas, Private Woodlots, Show Us the Science, WestFor | Leave a comment

Clearcut Nova Scotia continued..17July2017 & how much wood can be harvested from one hectare

How much wood? Plenty, but not on 50-year rotations! With promises of “the right balance” at some time in the future, clearcutting on Crown land continues unabated including cuts close to Protected Areas. The latest announcement cites plans for 48 … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, clearcuts, Conservation, Economics, Lumber, NSDNR, Old Growth, Show Us the Science, WestFor | Leave a comment

Clearcut Nova Scotia continued..4July2017 & highgrading at the landscape level

With promises of “the right balance” at some time in the future, clearcutting on Crown land continues unabated including cuts close to Protected Areas. The latest announcement cites plans for 67 parcels, 52 of which are 1-stage clearcuts, 15 are … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, NSDNR, Parks & Protected Areas | Leave a comment

Clearcut Nova Scotia, continued..12June 2017

Recently announced cuts include 343 ha of clearcuts next to two Protected Areas in Cape Breton The latest announcement of Crown land harvests (Harvest Plan Map Viewer June 12, 2017): 2,320 hectares (188 parcels, 73% clearcuts, 27% partial cuts; comments … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, NSDNR, Parks & Protected Areas | Leave a comment

Annapolis Co. Crown lands getting hit hard in latest round of proposed cuts

Just in: “[Have a look at the] latest update on the Harvest Plan Map Viewer. Lots of clearcutting proposed in Annapolis County – 35 parcels are posted, 399 Ha of cuts in total (partial and clearcut), 264 ha proposed for … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, NSDNR, Social Values | Leave a comment

Gully Lake error & correction clarified, but not completely fixed?

Three blocks close to the Gully Lake Wilderness Area were initially identified as proposed clearcuts when they were posted on the Harvest Map Viwer on May 12, 2017. This caught the attention of Chris Miller, a national conservation biologist with … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, NSDNR, Parks & Protected Areas, Selection Harvest | Leave a comment

CBC Mainstreet on clearcutting near Gully Lake Wilderness Area

On CBC Mainstreet yesterday afternoon, CBC host Bob Murphy interviewed Raymond Plourde (Wilderness Coordinator for the Ecology Action Centre) and Karen Beazley (Professor in the School of Resource and Environmental Studies at Dalhousie University) about the effects of clearcutting close … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, NSDNR, Parks & Protected Areas | Leave a comment