Category Archives: Tree Harvests

Nova Scotia Forestry Maps removing “harvest plans that are no longer open to comments”

Given the inept timing – following public protest about HPMV notifications – one has to wonder if L&F and NP are contracting the same PR firm Received from Forestry Maps yesterday (bolding mine): Tomorrow, January 31, 2019, the department will … Continue reading

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A WestFor 5 year plan emerges in Shelburne

It was observed on the Shelburne Municipality council chamber wall. Why are such plans not shared with the public at large? UPDATE Jan 7, 2019: Minister Rankin joins the discussion ——- Shelly Hipson has posted, on the Healthy Forests Coalition … Continue reading

Posted in L&F, Landscape Level Planning, Social Media, Tree Harvests, WestFor | Comments Off on A WestFor 5 year plan emerges in Shelburne

WestFor/Nova Scotia L&F’s 19 meter “Road to Nowhere”

A discovery by the Annapolis Co. Nova Scotia folks that harvesting on Crown lands proposed for harvest had, apparently, already begun, preceded by construction of some pretty massive roads including a 19 meter “Road to Nowhere” -Update Dec 31, 2018: … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, L&F, Social Media, Tree Harvests, WestFor | Comments Off on WestFor/Nova Scotia L&F’s 19 meter “Road to Nowhere”

Nova Scotia Map Viewer folks acknowledge possible Old Growth amongst proposed harvest parcels

Received as a subscriber to the Harvest Plan Map Viewer: referencing these parcels:

Posted in L&F, NSDNR, Old Growth, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on Nova Scotia Map Viewer folks acknowledge possible Old Growth amongst proposed harvest parcels

Elmsdale Lumber employee John Casey in CFI’s Top 10 Under 40

View Introducing CFI’s sixth annual Top 10 Under 40 By Canadian Forestry Staff, on, oct 3, 2018. Some extracts:  Canadian Forest Industries is proud to be running its sixth consecutive annual issue showcasing the Top 10 forestry leaders under … Continue reading

Posted in Lumber, softwood lumber, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on Elmsdale Lumber employee John Casey in CFI’s Top 10 Under 40

Frustration in registering concerns about cuts into a deer wintering area on Crown land in Upper Vaughan

Small additions made Oct 1, 2018 New comment added Oct 2, 2018 Comments on WWNS added Oct 2, 2018 Shades of issues surrounding the Loon Lake area cuts of Old Growth earlier this year A gentleman who wishes to be named … Continue reading

Posted in NSDNR, Tree Harvests, Wildlife | Comments Off on Frustration in registering concerns about cuts into a deer wintering area on Crown land in Upper Vaughan

Good and bad of the latest Nova Scotia Crown land forest harvest announcement

From The Healthy Forest Coalition (Public Facebook group) Sep 19, 2018 ML: Check out the latest updates for the Harvest Map Viewer. Queens County is getting the largest area harvested at just over 740 ha, or 1828 acres. 399 of … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Parks & Protected Areas, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on Good and bad of the latest Nova Scotia Crown land forest harvest announcement

Questions and comments on WWNS about sustainability of current wood harvesting in Nova Scotia following Report from the Independent Review

For the Record, some recent discussions on Woods and Waters Nova Scotia (Facebook page) are replicated below. These are verbatim copies except that I have replaced full names with initials, which has been my practice when replicating discussions from WWNS. … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review, Private Woodlots, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on Questions and comments on WWNS about sustainability of current wood harvesting in Nova Scotia following Report from the Independent Review

PHP to issue a public response to concerns about harvesting near Loon Lake Nature Reserve

PHP is taking concerns about harvesting on Crown/FSC certified lands in the area of Loon Lake Nature Reserve seriously but we still need some details from PHP about the specific site that Danny George talked about, and from NSDNR about … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Forest Certification, Loon Lake, NSDNR, Pulp & Paper, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on PHP to issue a public response to concerns about harvesting near Loon Lake Nature Reserve

New Brunswick co. a leader in new forest assessment technology

This item on a news feed caught my eye: Fredericton’s Leading Edge Geomatics Ready for Takeoff With New Investment (by Cherise Letson in, Nov 20, 2017). …The three men had worked in geomatics in Afghanistan and they knew those … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Climate Change, Conservation, Economics, Tree Harvests, Watersheds | Comments Off on New Brunswick co. a leader in new forest assessment technology