Category Archives: Social Media

When the neighbours decide to clearcut in Nova Scotia 25 Apr2019

Good will works in many situations to reduce impacts of clearcuts on a neighbour’s land and does not work in many situations. It  currently takes more than proximity to neighbours who value the lands around them to stop or substantially … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Private Woodlots, Social Media | Comments Off on When the neighbours decide to clearcut in Nova Scotia 25 Apr2019

A plea to cease cutting the Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes forest and similar remaining forests in Nova Scotia 26Mar2019

“I have spoken with a couple of forestry people who tell me that, in their opinion, the Corbett-Dalhousie forest is unique among what remains of our Crown land forests in Annapolis County.” Update Mar 27, 2019: View Ground Truthing – … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, L&F, Old Growth, Social Media | Comments Off on A plea to cease cutting the Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes forest and similar remaining forests in Nova Scotia 26Mar2019

“An event that saddened and angered me”, Minister Rankin/Nova Scotia L&F please follow up 10Mar2019

Posted on Healthy Forest Coalition late last night: HD: I am not one to write on this site but today I have to describe an event that saddened and angered me. On a trip north through the Margaree Valley this … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Rankin, Social Media, Social Values | Comments Off on “An event that saddened and angered me”, Minister Rankin/Nova Scotia L&F please follow up 10Mar2019

Recent changes (Jan 30 & Feb 20, 2019) in Harvest Plan Map Viewer increase concerns about clearcutting in Nova Scotia

And some comments on Social Media from Minister Rankin raise more questions about what’s going on at L&F. “Nova Scotians want and expect an open and transparent process when it comes to the management of Crown lands,” said Natural Resources … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, HPMV, Ind Rev Post-Report, Rankin, Social Media, Variable Retention | Comments Off on Recent changes (Jan 30 & Feb 20, 2019) in Harvest Plan Map Viewer increase concerns about clearcutting in Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Forest Technicians Association advocates extension of the Boat Harbour Act

Update Jan 25, 2019: View Department of Lands and Forestry employees are lobbying the government to delay cleanup of Boat Harbour in Halifax Examiner. ———– Posted ~2000 hr Jan 23, 2019 Modified 2300, Jan 23, 2019 From a post on … Continue reading

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New pages on Nova Scotia Forest Notes and more on the Old Forest Policy “Polygon Problem” 19Jan2019

I have added two new pages (or sets of pages) under the main menu: Social Media Posts and What is Old Growth? Social Media Posts is a listing of newsy or especially informative posts and discussion threads on Social Media … Continue reading

Posted in Old Growth, Social Media | Comments Off on New pages on Nova Scotia Forest Notes and more on the Old Forest Policy “Polygon Problem” 19Jan2019

Nova Scotia L&F Minister Rankin acknowledges the “Polygon Problem” in constructive “meeting” on Social Media 16Jan 2019

An Old Growth stand in Nova Scotia does not necessarily a polygon make There have been several instances recently of citizens recognizing that harvest plans posted on the HPMV include some Old Growth (e.g., Post Dec 18, 2019) this in … Continue reading

Posted in Old Growth, Rankin, Social Media | Comments Off on Nova Scotia L&F Minister Rankin acknowledges the “Polygon Problem” in constructive “meeting” on Social Media 16Jan 2019

Healthy Forest Coalition thanks Minister Rankin for first steps towards protection of the Ingram River Wilderness Area 14Jan2019

It’s good news for sure, but doesn’t reduce the demand to see changes, à la Lahey Report, in management of all Crown land currently subject to harvest On Healthy Forest Coalition Facebook Page: ML: I hope that this case serves … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Old Growth, Rankin, Social Media | Comments Off on Healthy Forest Coalition thanks Minister Rankin for first steps towards protection of the Ingram River Wilderness Area 14Jan2019

Soren Bondrup-Neilsen 13Jan2019: 1% Old Growth will not maintain all the species that depend on older forests

One per cent old-growth forest will not maintain all the species that depend on older forests – well funded Professional Protester Chronicle Herald on-line Opinions- Premium content Jan.11, 2019 Soren Bondrup-Neilsen Published: 18 hours ago . Some extracts from Healthy … Continue reading

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Has a conversation about forestry in Nova Scotia that is needed but difficult and awkward begun?

I am wondering if L&F’s next hire will be an expert in Social Media I have commented recently on L&F Minister Rankin’s participation in Social Media discussion about forestry and lauded that participation. He left quite abruptly when something irked … Continue reading

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