Category Archives: Parks & Protected Areas

Winter splendour in a forested Nova Scotia landscape

There is a wonderful piece of mixed Acadian forest on drumlins by Sandy Lake, close to the neck of the Chebucto Peninsula on the Bedford Basin side. The forested landscape goes right through to the Sackville River floodplain and includes … Continue reading

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Editorials and letters about forests, forestry, & regulations in Nova Scotia continued.. Jan 20, 2017

Joan Baxter was not happy with the Chronicle Herald’s recent “positive coverage of the mill” (view The inner workings of the Northern Pulp kraft mill, CH Jan 13, 2018). Missing, she said, are the “voices of the people with concerns … Continue reading

Posted in Letters&Editorials, Parks & Protected Areas, Pulp & Paper, Social Values | Comments Off on Editorials and letters about forests, forestry, & regulations in Nova Scotia continued.. Jan 20, 2017

Rick Howe talks to Scott Leslie about his birds-eye views

On January 5, 2018, Rick Howe interviewed Naturalist/Photographer Scott about his new book and some of his views, literal and opinion-wise, on forestry in Nova Scotia. An abbreviated transcript of the interview is given below. Rick Howe: There is a … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia forests and forestry are in the news and cameras lenses as the Independent Review moves into Phase 2

About mines, pulp effluent, hemlock vampires, the state of the forest, land protection and the Independent Review deliberations Sometimes my attempt to provide a “record of events, news and opinions on the subject of forests and forestry in Nova Scotia … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Independent Review, Letters&Editorials, Old Growth, Parks & Protected Areas, Pests, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Nova Scotia forests and forestry are in the news and cameras lenses as the Independent Review moves into Phase 2

Mining Association of Nova Scotia’s continues its aggressive campaign to undermine our protected areas

Are all protected areas ecologically unique? So asks MANS presenting a host of photos of clearcuts in protected areas as evidence that protected areas ar not special and should be opened up for mining. Their photo evidence is quite a … Continue reading

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Mining Association of Nova Scotia’s SWAP Initiative – “the threat is real”

So says Chris Miller in an op-ed in the Coast today. …My question is this. Why do we do it? Why do we stick it out here despite the challenges? It’s tough everywhere, but there are certainly more opportunities in … Continue reading

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Mining Association of Nova Scotia goes after Kluscap Wilderness Area, sacred to the Mi’kmaq

Is this really 2017? Canada in 2017? Update Nov 25: Cape Breton First Nations protest mining on Kellys Mountain (CTV News; 3min. video) Update Nov 21: MANS is on a roll…Mining Association wants access to Pugwash Estuary, Chronicle Herald, Nov … Continue reading

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MANS proposal to swap mines and protected area in Nova Scotia hardly dead in the water

Recent publicity around the Mining Association of Nova Scotia proposal to open up protected lands to mining via a swap proposal led quickly to a “we are not going to do that” response from government. We might have thought that … Continue reading

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Ground Zero: Mining companies (& others) want the “low hanging fruit” in Nova Scotia’s Protected Areas

Those who need the low hanging fruit the most are the wildlife. I think most Nova Scotians want us to leave it there for them. UPDATE Nov 11, 2017: Three items in the Chronicle Herald, none as yet supportive of … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Gold Mining, Mining, Parks & Protected Areas | Leave a comment

The legacy of Nova Scotia’s Tobeatic wilderness

Naturalist Alain Belliveau has been concerned about harvesting in the Tobeatic Wildlife Management Area and realized that few people know what the Sanctuary / Wildlife Management Area is all about, so wrote an essay about it. Alain appeals to Nova … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biophilia, Conservation, Parks & Protected Areas, Social Values | Leave a comment