Category Archives: Natural Resources & Renewables

Why we need to set clear goals for conservation of Old Forest – not just Old Growth – in Nova Scotia 8Jun2022

SUMMARY Big Forestry in Nova Scotia, the forestry folks in the Nova Scotia government and the federal forestry folks in Canada like to point out that  there has been very little deforestation in Nova Scotia and in Canada at large, and consequently … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government, Old Growth, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Why we need to set clear goals for conservation of Old Forest – not just Old Growth – in Nova Scotia 8Jun2022

Changes in the Forest Development Class Layer on Nova Scotia Provincial Landscape Viewer 7Jun2022

Some time after 2019, the Early Mature and Late Mature categories were collapsed into one category (Mature); it’s not clear whether mature forest so labelled can be considered ‘Old Forest’ (forest 80 years and older). Given the clear evidence we … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Landscape Level Planning, Natural Resources & Renewables, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Changes in the Forest Development Class Layer on Nova Scotia Provincial Landscape Viewer 7Jun2022

Nova Scotia government puts hold on logging of Crown land in watershed hosting endangered Atlantic Whitefish 9May2022

UPDATE May 10 2022: Reprieve for critically endangered Atlantic whitefish as logging plans halted by Paul Withers for CBC News “N.S. government cites concerns road construction needed to access area near Bridgewater could harm lakes” ——— I just received, as … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Natural History, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government | Comments Off on Nova Scotia government puts hold on logging of Crown land in watershed hosting endangered Atlantic Whitefish 9May2022

interruption of Crown land logging notices was due to technical difficulties now being addressed 4May2022

On May 1, I sent this message to Forestry Maps: There is a scuttle going on that people are not receiving notifications anymore. The last I received was for Mar 14, 2022. Have there been any more?Any clarification appreciated. Thx – … Continue reading

Posted in Natural Resources & Renewables | Comments Off on interruption of Crown land logging notices was due to technical difficulties now being addressed 4May2022

Nova Scotia Natural Resources and Renewables looking for a Policy Analyst 29Apr2023

UPDATE May 4, 2022: Hiring of strategists, organizers, analyzers and communicators at NSNRR continues re: Ad for a Project Manager (Program Admin Officer 4) Competition # : 35384 Department: Natural Resources & Renewables Location: HALIFAX Closing Date: ​5/17/2022​ ———— ORIGINAL … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government | Comments Off on Nova Scotia Natural Resources and Renewables looking for a Policy Analyst 29Apr2023

Nova Scotia NRR looking for another senior level strategist 21Apr2022

This one is for a “Corporate Strategist“, Competition # : 35194, Department:Natural Resources & Renewables Closing Date: 5/5/2022 “The Strategic Policy and Planning Division of the Policy, Planning and Support Services Branch is looking for an experienced policy leader to … Continue reading

Posted in Natural Resources & Renewables | Comments Off on Nova Scotia NRR looking for another senior level strategist 21Apr2022

Mayflowers, more lichens and a lot else in the old forest at the Last Hope Camp 17Apr2022

From Nina Newington’s post, “Day 137 at the Last Hope camp”  on Extinction Rebellion Mi’kma’ki / Nova Scotia, today (April 17, 2022): “At every opportunity, humans need to feel the power, order, beauty and greater life force of the natural … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, Citizen Science, Natural Resources & Renewables | Comments Off on Mayflowers, more lichens and a lot else in the old forest at the Last Hope Camp 17Apr2022

Big Forestry and Big Development versus Precious Natural Places in rural and urban Nova Scotia 15Apr2022

The Good News: Nova Scotians care about these places, regardless of the governing party A deluge of pleas to write letters/join campaigns recently makes it clear that  the pressure to obtain direct economic benefit at the expense of some our most … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Conservation, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government | Comments Off on Big Forestry and Big Development versus Precious Natural Places in rural and urban Nova Scotia 15Apr2022

Bev Wigney on “Moose Patches” 12Mar2022

“MOOSE PATCHES: Second** in my series of sketches about Forest concerns. Did you know that harvesting of forests on Crown lands in what are referred to as “Significant Mainland Moose Concentration Areas” is permitted so long as small “Moose retention … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Natural Resources & Renewables, Wabanaki Forest, Wildlife | Comments Off on Bev Wigney on “Moose Patches” 12Mar2022

On Salmon and Soils in Nova Scotia, An Update 21Feb2022

SUMMARY  As a result of the inherently poorly buffered soils that cover more than 60% of our landscape and acid rain, exacerbated by intensive logging and climate warming, Nova Scotia  has some of the most  acidic, high aluminum & low calcium … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Fish, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, Natural Resources & Renewables, Show Us the Science, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on On Salmon and Soils in Nova Scotia, An Update 21Feb2022