Category Archives: Natural History

Acadia Lifelong Learning: The Secret Life of Acadian Forest Flora

An article in the Kings County News highlights this short course that will be given by Melanie Priesnitz. From the

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Forest fungi in the news again

An earlier post ( Oct 24, 2016: How trees talk to each other) highlighted research by a B.C. scientist showing how trees communicate via mycorrhizal (fungal) networks in the soil, even allowing older trees to nurture younger, shaded trees. A … Continue reading

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Protecting Nova Scotia’s true boreal forest

True boreal forest in Nova Scotia is special; “borealized” Acadian forest is not. We go to great efforts in Nova Scotia to “borealize” our native mixed Acadian forest by clearcutting on short rotations and use of herbicide to create even-aged, … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Mi'kmaq, Natural History, NSDNR, Parks & Protected Areas, Show Us the Science, Wildlife | Leave a comment

How old are old Halifax oaks?

Halifax hosts some magnificent red oaks, readily distinguished at a distance in winter by their distinctive gnarly profiles. When I see one cut down, I like to count the rings and have been surprised at the relatively young age of … Continue reading

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How trees talk to each other

In this TED video, Suzanne Simard, a well published Professor of Forestry at the University of British Columbia, tells an amazing story of how trees nurture each other and makes compelling scientific arguments for taking a new approach to forest … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, clearcuts, Natural History, Old Growth | Leave a comment

Nova Scotia Forests of the Anthropocene: More Youthful and Slender; Winners and Losers; Sunnier Soils Ahead

Donna Crossland will talk on this topic at a meeting of the Blomidon Field Naturalists on Monday, October 17, 2016 at Acadia University. View details. I attended an earlier version of this presentation at the Nature Nova Scotia 2016 Conference … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Fire, Natural History, Old Growth | Leave a comment

Climate change will be hard on balsam fir, black spruce

UNB prof. Charles Bourque is cited in a recent CBC report as predicting that “New Brunswick may see softwood species such as balsam fir and black spruce disappear from the province’s forests over the next 80 years or so.” Read … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Natural History, NSDNR | Leave a comment

Old Forest Conservation Science Conference Oct 19-21, 2016

The Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute is holding an Old Forest Conservation Science Conference at the Debert Hospitality Centre, Nova Scotia on October 19th-21st, 2016. Conference topics include: – Research, monitoring and stewardship – Private land conservation – First Nations perspective … Continue reading

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Oldest known Pine Tree fossils are in NS!

Posted in Biophilia, Climate Change, Natural History | Leave a comment

Celebrating Yellow Birch

Yesterday I attended the dedication of a new NS Nature Trust property on Partridge Island in Parrsboro. (View Press Release.) The presence of a healthy stand of 70% yellow birch is a celebrated feature of the property and the island. … Continue reading

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