Category Archives: Landscape Level Planning

Saturday is Parks Day, Lots to celebrate but Nova Scotia is no longer a leader 16July2020

Saturday is our National and Nova Scotia Parks Day. It’s a day to celebrate and reflect on our Parks and Protected Areas (PPA). CPAWS, the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, released its annual Parks Report Healthy Nature Healthy People, yesterday … Continue reading

Posted in Landscape Level Planning, Parks & Protected Areas | Comments Off on Saturday is Parks Day, Lots to celebrate but Nova Scotia is no longer a leader 16July2020

MTRI Summer Seminar Series features Forest Biodiversity Management , Recreational Fisheries, Legal Context of “Habitat”, Highways/Landscape Connectivity 6Jul2020

Amongst some of the positive things we are learning to do in the Covid-19 era is near GHG-free meetings, discussions, lectures etc. I have been really enjoying the Medway Community Forest Coop Seminar Series and now MTRI (Mersey Tobeatic Research … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Landscape Level Planning, Natural History, Recreation | Comments Off on MTRI Summer Seminar Series features Forest Biodiversity Management , Recreational Fisheries, Legal Context of “Habitat”, Highways/Landscape Connectivity 6Jul2020

Biodiversity Landscape Planning for Nova Scotia is being developed as part of the L&F Environmental Assessment Project 16Jun2020

EAs for Crown land forestry could calm some rough waters in NS, but until we have them, L&F should put a hold on or at least significantly restrict Crown land logging operations; or  implement a precautionary Biodiversity Landscape Plan. Update … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning | Comments Off on Biodiversity Landscape Planning for Nova Scotia is being developed as part of the L&F Environmental Assessment Project 16Jun2020

Experiencing serenity and sadness in the intervale forests of Nova Scotia 16May2020

I went with a friend for for a walk yesterday in some intervale (floodplain) forests in Hant’s Co. not too far  away. We found what we wanted to see:  the first wave of forest herbs that flower before the hardwoods … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, Conservation, Landscape Level Planning, Natural History | Comments Off on Experiencing serenity and sadness in the intervale forests of Nova Scotia 16May2020

Shelly Hipson: Concerns about how Crown lands will be designated for High Production Forestry in Nova Scotia 11May 2020

UPDATE May 16, 2020: On Friday, May 15, 2020, Lands & Forestry Minister Iain Rankin was interviewed on CBC’s Information Morning (Halifax) regarding the comments of Shelly Hipson on May 11 (below) about the HPF (High Production Forestry) proposals for … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, Social Values | Comments Off on Shelly Hipson: Concerns about how Crown lands will be designated for High Production Forestry in Nova Scotia 11May 2020

Why we need a Precautionary Biodiversity Landscape Plan for Nova Scotia 16Mar2020

What we have now is a precautionary plan to protect wood supply in NS UPDATE Also view: Need for Biodiversity Landscape Planning before finalizing HPF and Ecological Matrix components of the Triad, and for caution in selection of HPF sites … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning | Comments Off on Why we need a Precautionary Biodiversity Landscape Plan for Nova Scotia 16Mar2020

Moving Beyond Lahey: can Nova Scotia participate in a “Global Deal for Nature”? 14Dec2019

In the context of the messages coming from COP25, the Lahey Recommendations are too little and their implementation by L&F far too tardy Today (Sat Dec14, 2019): The COP25 Climate negotiations in Madrid are set to continue today as countries … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, Social Values | Comments Off on Moving Beyond Lahey: can Nova Scotia participate in a “Global Deal for Nature”? 14Dec2019

Travails of Forests and Forestry on the West Coast 8Oct2019

Perhaps there are some lessons to be learned We are worried about losing The Mill, or for some, about the possibility of not losing it. Perhaps there are some lessons to be learned from the west coast where this year … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Economics, Landscape Level Planning | Comments Off on Travails of Forests and Forestry on the West Coast 8Oct2019

Bev Wigney On Forest Roads in Nova Scotia 29May2019

Bev Wigney is an Annapolis area naturalist concerned about the state of our forests. She posted this ‘Sunday morning rant’ on Forest Roads on the Facebook page for Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology, a public Facebook group, … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Landscape Level Planning, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on Bev Wigney On Forest Roads in Nova Scotia 29May2019

L&F looking for Resource Specialist for the Crown land IRM planning process and wood supply forecasts 2Apr2019

From Resource Specialist Date: Apr 1, 2019 Apply By: 4/15/2019 Lands and Forestry Resource Specialist, Permanent, TRURO “As the Resource Specialist, you are part of a multi-disciplinary Integrated Resource Management (IRM) natural resource/land use planning team. Using your unique … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F, Landscape Level Planning, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on L&F looking for Resource Specialist for the Crown land IRM planning process and wood supply forecasts 2Apr2019