Category Archives: Independent Review

Loon Lake area harvests: DNR seeks shelter in its Old Forest Policy

The Old Forest policy does not adequately protect Old Forest This is a lengthy post, so I am providing a clickable Table of Contents. In this post: Background The location of the “Danny George Site” DNR on Information Morning DNR on … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biomass, Conservation, Forest Certification, Independent Review, Loon Lake, NSDNR, Old Growth, Show Us the Science | Comments Off on Loon Lake area harvests: DNR seeks shelter in its Old Forest Policy

Danny George rings the alarm bell (again) on Loon Lake Nova Scotia clearcuts of Old Growth

There is a lot to be explained here, and changed here, as there is just about anywhere that Nova Scotia’s Crown land forests are being harvested. UPDATE Feb 26, 2018: Veteran forester worried we are wasting old growth forest, CBC … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biomass, Biophilia, clearcuts, Forest Certification, Independent Review, Loon Lake, Lumber, NSDNR, Old Growth, Parks & Protected Areas, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Danny George rings the alarm bell (again) on Loon Lake Nova Scotia clearcuts of Old Growth

Final Report for Nova Scotia’s Independent Review of Forest Practices postponed to April 30

From the NSDNR Press Release: Natural Resources Minister Margaret Miller has extended the time frame for the Independent Review of Forest Practices. The review, launched on Aug. 30, will be completed at the end of April. University of King’s College … Continue reading

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Will our governments enable Forest Smart, Climate Smart and Dollar Smart opportunities for private woodlot owners in Atlantic Canada?

New Brunswick based Forest International’s efforts to promote carbon offsets as an income generator for private woodlot owners in Atlantic Canada is featured in the business section of today’s Chronicle Herald. Atlantic Canada’s woodlot owners could benefit from the growing … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Economics, Independent Review | Comments Off on Will our governments enable Forest Smart, Climate Smart and Dollar Smart opportunities for private woodlot owners in Atlantic Canada?

Bancroft on the real costs and dismal returns to Nova Scotians of running the PHP biomass plant 24/7

It had been rumoured that the PHP Biomass plant had returned to 24/7 operation. Now Bob Bancroft confirms that we are back at it, burning 50 to 60 tractor-trailer loads of wood per day to generate electricity at 21% efficiency… … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biomass, clearcuts, Conservation, Independent Review | Comments Off on Bancroft on the real costs and dismal returns to Nova Scotians of running the PHP biomass plant 24/7

Saturday Forestry, continued… Feb 3, 2018: how much displacement of our natural world is acceptable?

Saturday’s Chronicle Herald again carries several items on the forestry/resources front. First in clear contrast to PC leadership hopeful John Lohr, Pictou County Conservative MLA Tim Houston “is calling for an increased level of ministerial scrutiny of a proposed wastewater … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Gold Mining, Independent Review, Mining, Parks & Protected Areas, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Saturday Forestry, continued… Feb 3, 2018: how much displacement of our natural world is acceptable?

Planning ahead for Industrial forestry in Nova Scotia: allowing bigger trucks on our roads

Updated Jan 29, 2018 Things may be on hold in SW Nova Scotia awaiting the recommendations of the Independent Review but the government and Forest NS are not treading water when it comes to paving the roads for industrial forestry … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Economics, Independent Review | Comments Off on Planning ahead for Industrial forestry in Nova Scotia: allowing bigger trucks on our roads

Jan 23, 2018: Update from the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia

The Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia issued an update today, added as text to its NSDNR webpage under four headings: Written Submissions – The Review has received more than 170 written submissions… Meeting with Individuals and Representatives … Continue reading

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Port Hawkesbury Paper shut down temporarily due to cold weather/high energy costs, low prices, tariffs

The industrial efficiencies that once made us competitive aren’t working so well anymore and have come at a high cost to our forests, wildlife and even-our psychological well-being I think it’s generally agreed that PHP is an efficient operation and … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Independent Review, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Port Hawkesbury Paper shut down temporarily due to cold weather/high energy costs, low prices, tariffs

Bob Bancroft: Why are no EAs required for large-scale forest removals in Nova Scotia?

In an op-ed published in the Chronicle Herald today (January 17, 2018), Bob Bancroft asks a question many people probably ask when they view a recent clearcut in Nova Scotia? Why are no EAs (Environmental Assessments) required for large-scale forest … Continue reading

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