Category Archives: Independent Review

While we wait for “The Report”, it’s the same old same old from our two Nova Scotia pulp mills; and some thoughts on what the Independent Review will recommend

While we wait in some kind of suspended animation for the Report from the Independent Review of Forest Practices following the last formal comment on April 30, 2018, the two major drivers of dissatisfaction with forestry practices in Nova Scotia – … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Economics, Independent Review, Pulp & Paper, Show Us the Science, softwood lumber | Comments Off on While we wait for “The Report”, it’s the same old same old from our two Nova Scotia pulp mills; and some thoughts on what the Independent Review will recommend

Report from Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia almost there…

Peter Duinker, one of the Expert Advisors to the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia, gave a talk Thursday evening to the Halifax Field Naturalists on Old Forests in HRM, which inevitably invited questions about when the Report will … Continue reading

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Has the Report from the Independent Review been submitted to Nova Scotia Government? No.

I have been getting this question a lot recently, while we wait for the report following the presumably short extension announced April 30, 2018. Some have expressed concern that DNR is getting some advance notice about it so they are … Continue reading

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Letters, Op-eds and news items May 1-5, 2018

On clearcutting, The Mill, biomass and carbon emissions, and politicans tripping over themseleves on environmental issues There has been a steady stream of letters, op-eds, news items related to forests and forestry over the past week. It’s hard to keep … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Independent Review, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Letters, Op-eds and news items May 1-5, 2018

Dale Prest on “Climate Forests”

The sooner The Climate Forest Company can get going in Nova Scotia the better it will be for our forests, small woodlot owners and our climate UPDATE May 8, 2018: CBC made a post based on its CBC Info Morning … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Climate Change, Conservation, Independent Review | Comments Off on Dale Prest on “Climate Forests”

“Smartphone App Enables Family Forest Owners to Get Paid to Store Carbon” – but not in Nova Scotia (yet)

And some thoughts on the impacts on wood markets if Nova Scotian woodlot owners could benefit from carbon markets Addendum May 3, 2018: Listening to Dale Prest on CBC this morning, I realized I had not done my homework properly. … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Economics, Independent Review, Private Woodlots, WestFor, Woodscamp | Comments Off on “Smartphone App Enables Family Forest Owners to Get Paid to Store Carbon” – but not in Nova Scotia (yet)

Apr 30, 2018: Report from Independent Review of Forestry Practices in Nova Scotia delayed but will be released publicly when ready

From NSDNR Press Release, April 30, 2018: University of King’s College president Bill Lahey has informed Natural Resources Minister Margaret Miller that although he will be completing his report on forest practices in the next few days, he is subjecting … Continue reading

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Annapolis Co. continues efforts to realize more control over forestry practices

Probably no single event/action had more influence on the McNeil Government’s decision to set up an Independent Review of Forest Practices than the letter to Premier McNeil from Annapolis co (in the Premier’s riding) in the spring of 2017 requesting … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Independent Review, Social Values, WestFor | Comments Off on Annapolis Co. continues efforts to realize more control over forestry practices

Anxiety about the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia

Anxieties are being expressed, but right now I am more optimistic than I have been. A prediction: one of Prof. Lahey’s messages will be ‘Get Involved, it’s your forest’ As the first deadline for a report from the Independent Review … Continue reading

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Old Acadian forest/salmon watercourse and forested wetland in Halifax-Dartmouth at risk

While loss of old forest habitat associated with extensive clearcutting on short rotations in more rural areas is considered by ecologists to be the #1 threat to forest biodiversity in Nova Scotia, bulldozers in and around the more urban areas … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Independent Review, Parks & Protected Areas, Recreation, Social Values, Urban forest | Comments Off on Old Acadian forest/salmon watercourse and forested wetland in Halifax-Dartmouth at risk