Apr 30, 2018: Report from Independent Review of Forestry Practices in Nova Scotia delayed but will be released publicly when ready

From NSDNR Press Release, April 30, 2018:

University of King’s College president Bill Lahey has informed Natural Resources Minister Margaret Miller that although he will be completing his report on forest practices in the next few days, he is subjecting it to further review by advisors in international law and forestry economics before he finalizes his report for submission to the minister and public release.

Prof. Lahey will finalize his report once he has this input. He will then submit it to the minister and make it available to the public.

“This is a significant matter for our forest industry and I appreciate Professor Lahey’s considered judgment to subject his report to further review,” said Ms. Miller.

The Independent Review of Forest Practices will provide recommendations to improve how Nova Scotia balances long-term environmental, social and economic interests in managing the province’s forests.

For information and updates on the Independent Review of Forest Practices review, visit http://www.novascotia.ca/natr/forestry/Forest_Review .

‘Glad to hear the report will be released to the public at the same time it is submitted to government, and that Prof Lahey is being very diligent about its final forms. I look forward to seeing it.

I guess in the meantime, we might wonder what has happened of the WestFor front. Back in October, it was revealed that “the minister advised that the agreement would be extended for six months, but it came with a catch. There has been a reduction in allocation, and elimination of unused allocation…said Margaret Miller: “I think we are all aware in this House that part of the campaign was a promise that there would be no more long-term commitments for mills until after there was a forestry review. Unfortunately, the forestry review could not be completed and won’t be ready until the end of February. But we are standing by our word. There are no long-term commitments. The mills were aware of that. WestFor was aware of that” View Post, Nov 17, 2017, citing Hansard for Oct 3, 2017

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