Category Archives: Conservation

Naturalists question the science of sustainable forestry in Nova Scotia

“The Conservation Committee of the Halifax Field Naturalists has prepared a document commenting on the impacts of forestry in Nova Scotia on conservation of biodiversity and asking questions about the underlying science.” View: – Questions about forestry science forwarded to … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Ecosystem Services, NSDNR, Parks & Protected Areas, Selection Harvest, Show Us the Science, Wildlife | Leave a comment

Editorials and letters about forestry in Nova Scotia, continued..22Apr2017

In a CH op-ed today (Apr 22, Earth Day), Dale Smith questions the elevated status of forestry as the default use for Crown land in Nova Scotia. “The role and importance of Crown land as a publicly-owned asset effectively has … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Letters&Editorials, Recreation, Social Values | Leave a comment

NSDNR publishes A Field Guide to Forest Biodiversity Stewardship

From the NSDNR news Release (Apr 19, 2017): A new hands-on guidebook is available that describes how Nova Scotians can help keep the province’s woodlands healthy. “Three-quarters of our province is forest and preserving that rich biodiversity is a responsibility … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, Conservation, Natural History, Wildlife | Leave a comment

Panta Rei blog explores the economics of forestry in Nova Scotia & changes in forests and employment

Soren Bondrup-Nielsen has posted several pieces about forestry on his Panta Rei blog: Analysis of the economics of forestry in Nova Scotia Full title: Analysis of the change in labour force adjusted for volume and area harvested within the forestry … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Economics, Pulp & Paper, Social Values | Leave a comment

Spring has sprung in the ravines of Nova Scotia

Yesterday was the first very warm day of 2017, reaching a temperature of 23 degrees C while there was still snow on the ground. I went to a favourite ravine to witness the spring flow and wasn’t disappointed. A torrent … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation | Leave a comment

Nova Scotia protects significant older forest stands and an important corridor

With these latest additions, the total area protected is 12.4% of Nova Scotia’s land area. In March of 2017, Nova Scotia Parks and Protected Areas (a section of Nova Scotia Environment) designated two new Wilderness Areas and expansion of another … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Ecosystem Services, Natural History, Old Growth, Parks & Protected Areas, Recreation, Watersheds, Wildlife | Leave a comment

Nova Scotia forests & forestry: birds, mosses and biophilia

As well as in op-eds and letters to the editor, more voices expressing concern about the state of Nova Scotia forests or simply a love of the Acadian forest are appearing in the social media. A few that I have … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Ecosystem Services, Letters&Editorials, Natural History, Wildlife | Leave a comment

Call of the Forest documentary screens in Halifax tonight (Mar 24, 2017)

“Call of the Forest comments on the state of the world’s old growth forests and reminds us that trees provide emotional and physical benefits to those ever in its presence.

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biomass, Biophilia, Conservation, Old Growth | Leave a comment

Upcoming presentations/discussions

Sunday Mar 19, 2017: ‘Clear cut’- Harm to our Woodlands discussion Presentation by Donna Crossland, BSc, BEd, MScF. 7-9pm at Myrtle and Rosie’s Cafe 1880 Clementsvale Rd., Bear River. More events March 23, March 27 and April 2, 2017 View … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, events | Leave a comment

What’s wrong with clearcutting?

To be more specific: Whats wrong with clearcutting the Acadian Forest in Nova Scotia? Outside of Nova Scotia, apparently, “we spend 80 to 150 years growing a tree in Canada – some of the longest growth rates in the world”… … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Ecosystem Services, NSDNR, Selection Harvest, Show Us the Science, Social Values | Leave a comment