Call of the Forest documentary screens in Halifax tonight (Mar 24, 2017)

“Call of the Forest comments on the state of the world’s old growth forests and reminds us that trees provide emotional and physical benefits to those ever in its presence.

“As Canadian-Irish scientist and author Diana Beresford-Kroeger travels around the world, speaking with the scientists, foresters and activists working to protect and replenish the world’s northern forests, we learn that trees are our salvation in maintaining our complex network of biodiversity, protecting us from the detriments of climate change and preserving our fragile water systems. We must do all we can to preserve and replant them.

“Call of the Forest is a film of rare significance. It draws the viewer into the green world that sustains life on this planet at a crucial ecological point. ­ – Annie Proulx, Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winning author”

The screening, sponsored by Carbon Arc Cinema will be in the auditorium of the NS Museum of Natural History (1747 Summer Street, Halifax), starting at 7pm (doors open at 6:30) at a entry fee of $7.

View Call of the Forest Website for more about the film.

Tip of the hat to B.P of the Halifax Field Naturalists for forwarding a notice about the film.

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