Category Archives: Conservation

A day of mourning for Nova Scotia’s forests & wildlife

In an op-ed, Donna Crossland of the Healthy Forest Coalition writes about the losses being mourned at the “Forest Funeral” taking place today in Halifax. When bobcat and fisher lose their homes through clearcutting, seldom can they move elsewhere to … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biophilia, clearcuts, Conservation, events, Mi'kmaq, NSDNR, Social Values | Leave a comment

Bob Bancroft on Rick Howe Show today to talk about purpose of the Forest Funeral

The Rick Howe Show – Monday, October 16, 2017: 12 p.m. Conservationist and biologist Bob Bancroft is planning a symbolic funeral for the forest, he will be giving the eulogy at the Thursday ceremony. He’ll tell us more about the … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, clearcuts, Conservation | Leave a comment

Rare gypsum karst forest in Cape Breton protected by NCC

The Nature Conservancy of Canada announced yesterday that that it has “protected three extraordinary habitats totalling 274 hectares” in Cape Breton. Amongst them is a rare gypsum karst landscape at Cains Mountain, where 162 ha are being protected. NCC’s Craig … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biophilia, Conservation, Old Growth, Parks & Protected Areas, Private Woodlots | Leave a comment

Nova Scotia Healthy Forest Coalition to hold a “Forest Funeral” Thurs Oct 19, 2017

As announced on the Forest Funeral Events Facebook page: You are invited to mourn our forest losses with citizens from across the province. Please come to pay your respects to the once great Acadian Forest. An ‘open casket’ of tiny … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Indigenous Peoples, Social Values | Leave a comment

Zack M on Old Growth forest in Nova Scotia

Just a few days back, I made a post about Zack Metcalfe’s walk through clearcut Crown land. His Guide talked about the declines of once common birds inhabiting mature forest, and how forestry on Crown land is removing the last … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biophilia, Conservation, Natural History, Old Growth, Social Values | Leave a comment

Bob Bancroft concerned about attention to forest ecology in the Independent Review of Nova Scotia forestry

CBC Information Morning’s Don Connelly interviewed Bob Bancroft on Aug 31, 2017, one day after the NS Government announced the start of the Independent Review of Forestry. An audio of the 8 minute interview is available on the CBC website. … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Independent Review, WestFor | Leave a comment

If we run into some good woods, we must be off of Crown land

So writes Zack Metcalfe, citing a not-so-funny joke told to him by a guide taking him through a slice of Halifax County. A Quiet Word on Forestry, published in the September issue of Rural Delivery, begins with “There are no … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, clearcuts, Conservation, Economics, Letters&Editorials | Leave a comment

NSDNR Minister: Help conservation by being better informed & treading carefully

In a Canadian Press item about the addition of eleven species to Nova Scotia’s list of species at risk, Natural Resources Minister Margaret Miller is cited as saying that Nova Scotians can help with conservation by becoming better informed and … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Letters&Editorials, NSDNR | Leave a comment

NSDNR responds to Halifax Field Naturalists’ Concerns and Questions about impacts of forestry in Nova Scotia on conservation of biodiversity

A few days prior to the last Budget Address of the Liberal Government’s first term on April 27, 2017, the Conservation Committee of the Halifax Field Naturalists submitted a 30 page document to the Nova Scotia government in which they … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, NSDNR | Leave a comment

Moose in the News in Nova Scotia

Leaving aside the Halifax Mooseheads, moose are a pretty regular item in Nova Scotia news. There are two items running currently. One is about the 51st North American Moose Conference which is being held over 5 days (Aug 28 – … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Mi'kmaq, Parks & Protected Areas | Leave a comment