NSDNR Minister: Help conservation by being better informed & treading carefully

In a Canadian Press item about the addition of eleven species to Nova Scotia’s list of species at risk, Natural Resources Minister Margaret Miller is cited as saying that Nova Scotians can help with conservation by becoming better informed and taking care when venturing into the wilderness. (View Chronicle Herald, Sep 1, 2017).

A lot of Annapolis Co. looked like this in late May, 2017 and there’s more on the way.

In the same Saturday print edition of the CH in which the CP item appeared, a letter to the editor bemoans “major cutting of forest going on here [West Dalhousie area, Annapolis Co]..just behind this is a block of what is now considered protected land, but they are cutting it all in between my land and the protected area…West Dalhousie is dealing with tree destruction, spraying, road issues, environmental concerns about which nothing is done. Furthermore, there is wild animal displacement due to habitat loss, although officials deny it.”

I hope all Nova Scotians take Minister Miller’s message to heart.

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