Category Archives: clearcuts

Improvements to the Nova Scotia Harvest Plan Map Viewer announced Aug 2, 2017

Subscribers to the map-update notification for the Harvest Plans Map Viewer receive an e-mail when there are new postings (new proposals for harvests on Crown land) on the Map Viewer and a separate list of the new proposed harvests. In … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, HPMV, NSDNR, Show Us the Science, Tree Harvests | Leave a comment

Biomass plant brings in the bucks for the reborn Hefler Forest Products, another biomass plant envisaged

The 150 year old Hefler Forest Products in Sackville, Nova Scotia, accumulated over $30 million in debt and went under creditor protection in 2016, but the 3.1 megawatt biomass power plant it operated remained profitable. Prospective buyers wanted to separate … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Climate Change, Economics | Leave a comment

Cellufuel wants access to Nova Scotia’s “Inactive Forests”

Cellufuel, the Nova Scotia business heavily backed by government funding that wants to produce synthetic fuels from forestry sources in Nova Scotia, has had to “shutter its plant and layoff staff” according to a news report by Devin Stevins in … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, Economics, Ecosystem Services, Mi'kmaq | Leave a comment

Glyphosate Nova Scotia continued, 2017

It’s glyphosate season again in Nova Scotia’s industrial softwood forests. From NSE, Aug 1, 2017: The Department of Environment has issued four new approvals for pesticide spraying covering about 1,654 hectares.

Posted in clearcuts, herbicides | Leave a comment

New group of private woodlot owners and contractors in SW Nova Scotia challenge WestFor deal

An article by Brittany Wentzell in LighthouseNow reports on a meeting “held on July 19 in the Forties to address issues woodlot owners, foresters and contractors say they have faced since the consortium of 13 mills formed and began cutting … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Economics, NSDNR, Private Woodlots, WestFor | Leave a comment

Nova Scotia Harvest Plan Map Viewer update lists now include “Prescription Type”

In an unannounced but welcome improvement, the update lists that provide summary stats on the latest NSDNR harvest plan announcements now include a category titled “Prescription Type”. These lists are received by e-mail after you sign up for notifications. No … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, HPMV, NSDNR, Selection Harvest, Show Us the Science | Leave a comment

Editorials and letters about forestry in Nova Scotia continued..July 25, 2017 & thoughts of a Silent Spring

Donna Crossland’s op-ed Slaying songbirds for woodchips in the CH July 22, 2017 (view post about it on this website) elicited two supportive, if sorrowful, letters in the CH July 25, 2017 From BG in Canning: Donna Crossland’s article on … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, clearcuts, Conservation, Letters&Editorials | Leave a comment

Low wood volumes harvested from Crown land explained

In an earlier post I had remarked on the apparently low wood volumes harvested from Crown land compared to private land in Nova Scotia, and that I had submitted a request to NSDNR for an explanation. I received this explanation … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Economics, NSDNR, Pulp & Paper, Tree Harvests | Leave a comment

Questions about easements on private woodlots in Nova Scotia

“How do we ensure that the last bits of mature forest in the province are managed sustainably for a variety of purposes other than the single-minded interests of fiber production?” Even before the thesis by Andrew W. Kekacs (Gifts to … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Private Woodlots | Leave a comment

Crossland: federal Migratory Birds Convention Act ignored as habitat is cut for chips

In an opinion piece in the CH, Donna Crossland bemoans the destruction of bird habitat by clearcutting noting that May-June are the most critical months for many forest songbirds, though most of us remain unaware of the rather frantic lives … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, clearcuts, Conservation, Letters&Editorials, Social Values | Leave a comment