Category Archives: clearcuts

Clearcutting forges ahead on the St. Margaret’s Bay Bowater-Mersey lands while we wait for the Government’s response to the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia

UPDATE Dec 11. 2018: Additional Comments from St. Margaret’s Bay folks ——————— Folks in the St. Margaret’s Bay area who spearheaded the successful campaign to see the people of Nova Scotia “Buy Back the Mersey Lands”, then to see a … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biomass, clearcuts, WestFor | Comments Off on Clearcutting forges ahead on the St. Margaret’s Bay Bowater-Mersey lands while we wait for the Government’s response to the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia

If the Nova Scotia Government changes direction of its Crown land forestry management, how will it deal with cuts approved but not implemented in the meantime?

If the major recommendations of the Lahey Report are accepted, surely the government is obliged to reconsider all outstanding harvests on Crown lands, i.e. including all blocks approved but for which harvesting has not begun. This question came to mind … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review | Comments Off on If the Nova Scotia Government changes direction of its Crown land forestry management, how will it deal with cuts approved but not implemented in the meantime?

New manager of biodiversity for the Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry downplays significance of clearcutting for biodiversity losses

Early in the year, I attended the first stakeholder meeting held by DNR (now L&F) for the new Biodiversity Act (still to be hatched) as a rep for Nature Nova Scotia. The potential areas for Regulation Development were listed as … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Wildlife | Comments Off on New manager of biodiversity for the Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry downplays significance of clearcutting for biodiversity losses

New Brunswick filmmaker asks ‘Is our forest really ours?”

Nova Scotians are asking the same question as we wait for the government to respond to the Lahey Report and clearcutting continues unabated on Crown lands In Filmmaker exposes corporate capture in forestry in New Brunswick (The New Brunswick Media … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Economics, Pulp & Paper, softwood lumber | Comments Off on New Brunswick filmmaker asks ‘Is our forest really ours?”

Good and bad of the latest Nova Scotia Crown land forest harvest announcement

From The Healthy Forest Coalition (Public Facebook group) Sep 19, 2018 ML: Check out the latest updates for the Harvest Map Viewer. Queens County is getting the largest area harvested at just over 740 ha, or 1828 acres. 399 of … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Parks & Protected Areas, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on Good and bad of the latest Nova Scotia Crown land forest harvest announcement

While we wait for the government response to the Independent Review, clearcuts on Nova Scotia Crown lands continue unabated

Image at right: As expressed on Woods and Waters Nova Scotia. Here is the Message I received as a subscriber to updates on the Harvest Plan Map Viewer:

Posted in clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report | Comments Off on While we wait for the government response to the Independent Review, clearcuts on Nova Scotia Crown lands continue unabated

Concerns expressed about cutting into a deer wintering area on Crown land in Upper Vaughan

So… The Review is in. If the recommendations are adopted, this sort of practice would likely end. View Update from Markus Kehoe/WWNS, Sep 13, 2018 ———– From a post  on Woods and Waters Nova Scotia (Facebook page): Time to circle … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, NSDNR, Wildlife | Comments Off on Concerns expressed about cutting into a deer wintering area on Crown land in Upper Vaughan

Questions and comments on WWNS about sustainability of current wood harvesting in Nova Scotia following Report from the Independent Review

For the Record, some recent discussions on Woods and Waters Nova Scotia (Facebook page) are replicated below. These are verbatim copies except that I have replaced full names with initials, which has been my practice when replicating discussions from WWNS. … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review, Private Woodlots, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on Questions and comments on WWNS about sustainability of current wood harvesting in Nova Scotia following Report from the Independent Review

Lack of Info about locations, times of forest management herbicide spraying on Nova Scotia Environment website

UPDATE Aug 12, 2018: Residents seek clearer information from province on herbicide spraying Mairin Prentiss for CBC News ——————— Woods and Waters NS has posted a copy of a notice about herbicide spraying by Northern Pulp, but as of yet, … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, herbicides | Comments Off on Lack of Info about locations, times of forest management herbicide spraying on Nova Scotia Environment website

Nova Scotia cabinet shuffle acknowledges controversies over forestry practices

A cabinet shuffle was announced today with significant changes in responsibilities for forestry. View N.S. premier shuffles several cabinet positions, creates new mines department. By Michael MacDonald, THE CANADIAN PRESS Published Thursday, July 5, 2018 in Global News. Some extracts: … Continue reading

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