Nature Nova Scotia on Moose Observations and Forestry in Kespu’ktwik 9Dec2020

Map by Shanni Bee, Conservation GIS Specialist
Click on image for larger version
Please note:
– This map brings together the work of several over the past few weeks. The volunteers collected observations and reviewed data to determine which areas should be protected as core habitat for Mainland Moose.
– This “Public Version Map” has locations purposefully skewed, making it of zero use to poachers, but still providing a powerful illustration of why it is so important to protect certain areas if we wish to halt the further decline of the Mainland Moose population due to habitat destruction

& The NatureNS petition  launched just 2 weeks ago now has 23,716 signees

December 4, 2020
Hon. Derek Mombourquette
Department of Lands and Forestry
3rd Floor, Founders Square
1701 Hollis St.
PO Box 698
Halifax, NS B3J 2T9

Dear Mr. Mombourquette,
Re: Species at Risk Mainland Moose
After conferring with a number of knowledgeable local citizens, including First Nations peoples, we have created the attached map of known mainland moose areas in western Nova Scotia. This is an endangered species.

Nature Nova Scotia respectfully requests that Crown (public) land areas within the 60² km zones delineated on this map be excluded immediately from any even-aged harvesting that is currently underway, or being planned.

Current provisions to protect mainland moose and their habitats are simply inadequate.

We also respectfully request and await a response from your Department within the next two weeks. Time is important, for the moose, the habitats and the concerned citizens who have been blockading the logging roads for many weeks.


On behalf of the Nature NS Board

President, Nature Nova Scotia, Bob Bancroft

cc. Bob Petrie
Nature NS Board


Mapping moose in Southwest Nova (Audio)
CBC Info AM Dec 8, 2020 “Wildlife biologist Bob Bancroft has been mapping endangered moose sightings, droppings and tracks in southwest Nova Scotia. He hopes his efforts will help protect moose habitat.”


Recent posts on NSFN related to Moose in SW Nova Scotia

Dec 9, 2020: Nature Nova Scotia on Moose Observations and Forestry in Kespu’ktwik 9Dec2020

Nov 29, 2020: “What will it take to get the Nova Scotia Government to obey its own Environmental Laws?” 29Nov2020

Nov 24, 2020: Nature Nova Scotia launches petition to halt clearcutting in area of SW Nova Scotia where Mainland Moose occur 24Nov2020

Nov 19, 2020: Bob Bancroft on the Sad Plain Truth about Nova Scotia L&F ‘s management of our Endangered Mainland Moose 19Oct2020

Nov 8, 2020: Nova Scotia’s Mainland Moose: “We are still here. Let us Be.” 8Nov2020

Oct 25, 2020: Healthy Forest Coalition’s three recommendations to protect Mainland Moose in SW Nova Scotia 25Oct2020

Oct 18, 2020: Clearcutting in Nova Scotia continued…intensive cutting, a new definition of a clearcut, and questions about loggers from out of province and wood going to NB 18Oct2020

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