Bill Lahey presentation in NB (Nov 19, 2018) on the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia available online

Slides from the presentation provide a convenient overview of the background and process of the Independent Review and of the Report itself

On UNB Forestry and Environmental Management Facebook Page:

– View Video Recording
The audio is somewhat rough in spots and the slides are not clear, however… “The slides used during this presentation can be viewed here:

The slide set provides a convenient overview of the background and process of the Independent Review and of the Report itself, under these headings:

Important Facts
Policy History Highlights
Key Conclusions: Ecological Forestry
Key Conclusions: NDRs, Productivity, Governance
Key Conclusions: The Triad
Triad Issues
Forest Management Guide –Silviculture in Matrix Forests
Other Conclusions
Other topics
Overall Conclusion
Points of Contention

Listed Under Points of Contention:

Plantations (especially on Crown lands)
Biomass (for the grid)
Holistic and integrated package vs. cherry picking
How Lands and Forestry discharges its mandate: Micromanagement vs. an outcomes-based system
Shifting attention and debate to the bigger picture


The Announcement for the event on website of The Association of Registered Professional Foresters of New Brunswick:

Nova Scotia’s Independent Review of Forestry Practices: Paradigms, Ecological Forestry and Triads

November 19, 2018 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Wu Centre Auditorium | UNB

In August, 2018, the Independent Review of Forestry Practices for Nova Scotia was released.

Professor William Lahey (currently President of University of Kings College in Halifax) will describe the process of the review (which included 80 meetings, advice from a team of experts, and over 250 written submissions).

He will highlight his 45 recommendations and describe how the report has been received by the government, media and civil society.

Also in attendance will be Dr. Robert Seymour, Professor Emeritus, University of Maine, and member of the expert advisory panel.

View also the UNB Announcement (UNB Forestry and Environmental Management public lecture-FR)

Thanks for making it all publicly available, UNB

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