Hines kicks off Forest Week in NS

Two woodlots in Nova Scotia: are harvests on both “aligned with the nature-based requirements of Nova Scotia’s lands? Close to 90% if all harvests are celarcuts.”

Two woodlots in Nova Scotia: are harvests on both “aligned with the nature-based requirements of Nova Scotia’s lands”? (In 2014, 88% of all harvests were celarcuts.

NSDNR Minister Lloyd Hines published an op-ed to kick off Forest Week (Sept. 18-24), reassuring us all is well. View Op-ed. He seems genuinely convinced that his department is conducting scientifically sound management of our forests.

I agree, if the goal is to achieve the maximum short term economic benefit for the big players. But if we want wildlife and our grandchildren to enjoy some semblance of the forests “bequeathed” to us by the Mi’kmaq and for our forests, forest life, and livelihoods on the smaller private woodlots to be sustained, the science tells us otherwise. For example

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